You know how you tell yourself you want to do something...
lose weight
stick to your budget
be more patient
run a marathon
meal prep
put your phone down
connect with your spouse
start your business
write a book
stop yelling
get more exercise
but you never seem to be able to do it?
Are you frustrated that year after year the things you really want to do don't get done and the life you really want to be living remains a dream?
This isn't because you aren't disciplined or motivated enough. It isn't because you aren't capable of it or because the things you want are only meant for other people.
It's because you are a human with a human brain...
And right now, it is running the show,
but it doesn't have to stay that way.

Your brain is only interested in your survival and it doesn't care about pursuing your goals and dreams, but...

On December 1st and 2nd at 9 am PT, I'm hosting the free
where you will learn all the tools you need to take the things you've always wanted to do and finally make them happen.
The reason you haven't done the things you want to do isn't you...it's your brain.
And when you know how to take charge and manage your brain, there is no dream that can't be done.

Dec 1st and 2nd at 9 am PT
It's two hours packed with the practical things you need to know to get your brain out of your way and turn your dreams into done. (I'll send you a replay if you can't come live.)
Here's what you'll learn at the event:
✓ The real reason you aren't working on your goals and dreams
✓ What we're really scared of and how it keeps us stuck
✓ How waiting for the confidence or motivation to go after your dreams never works
✓ The best strategies to get to work even when you think you don't want to
✓ The biggest obstacles to reaching your goals and what to do about them
✓ How to feel safe even when you're outside your comfort zone
✓ How to change your identity and your self-talk to achieve your goals
✓ How to keep going no matter what happens
✓ Everything you need to know to go from dream to done!
Sign Up for the EventIf you find yourself always talking or thinking about your dreams but never getting any closer to them...
you can do something about it.
A lot of us blame and shame ourselves for not accomplishing our goals and dreams. We tell ourselves that we're
too undisciplined or lazy or uncommitted or that we aren't as strong or as smart or as capable as other people.
We tell ourselves that we don't have what it takes, that we can't have what we want, and that we should just give up on our dreams and figure out how to be content without them.
But the things we want keep nudging us
and we keep wondering what if... what if I could turn that dream into reality?
I want you to know that you can!
I'll show you that not only are the things you want possible, but I'll give you the exact strategies to make them happen.
The event is December 1st and 2nd at 9 am PT, just in time to make 2023 the best year of your life. Get registered and I'll send you a replay if you can't make it live.