Episode 125: Renovating Your Thoughts
Sep 23, 2021
Episode Summary
“This is going to take so much work.” Often this is our first thought when confronted with something in our life that we want to change.
Using my recent home renovation as an example, I learned five things that I wanted to share with you that apply to all of us in any life circumstance.
Start now. It’s not as hard as it seems.
It’s never better “there.” There is no place where your brain stops being a brain.
Our brain forms patterns that have to be retrained.
Thinking crappy thoughts and feeling bad never produce the actions to change things.
We accumulate thoughts and beliefs over time that we need to consciously choose to keep or toss out.
You can make progress so much faster than you think. So many of us are putting off changes or putting off getting help until it’s bad enough, and you don’t have to do that. You can start to change things now, and it doesn’t require as much time or effort as you think. This is actually the perfect time to start.
Episode Transcript
Welcome to the 100% Awesome Podcast with April Price. You might not know it, but every result in your life is 100% because of the thought you think. And that, my friends, is 100% awesome!
Hello, podcast universe! Welcome to episode 125 of the 100% Awesome Podcast. I'm April Price and I want to welcome you to the podcast. How are you doing out there? I have been thinking a lot about you when I go to make these episodes, my thoughts always go to you. Like what you're going through, what's happening for you? The other day, I was listening to my son's podcast, and he said this little thought and he said, like, "I want to be there for you." And I was just like, yes, that's how I feel about my podcast as well. Like, I hope that the things that I share with you are blessing your life, and helping you, and helping you manage your life experience.
You know, I don't know if I ever told you this, but when I first started this podcast, like I was terrified. I know I've told you that far, right? But the whole reason that I started it was I had like, kind of like, you know, been through it. I had like, spent so much of my life not liking myself, not liking my life. And when I figured out that like, I was the answer to that, and I had the answers inside me, I wanted everybody to know it. And I I had this moment, I was at the temple and I, I just had this moment where I was like, you know, kind of praying, and talking to Heavenly Father and expressing like just how hard Earth life is. And I had this thought that like, I can help.
And that kind of motivated me to, like, start my business and, you know, continue learning and start my podcasts. And I just had, you know, just that thought like, I can help, I can help ease somebody else's journey here,on you know, on their way back to heaven on, you know, while we're here on Earth. And I hope that in some way this podcast does this for you. So anyway, that's why I'm here. I'm here for you. So, I hope this is helpful, today, I wanted to talk about some of the lessons that I learned through our recent house renovation.
Now, I know that you are probably sick to death of hearing about this renovation, and you're like, who really cares? And I get it, I understand other people's renovations are not exciting, but I just wanted, like I learned so much going through it, or actually really remembered so much going through it. Like there were just things where I was like, oh yeah, it's good to remember that. And I thought that they were things that would help you in your life, no matter what, right? Like, I know that most of you are not doing your renovation right now, and it doesn't apply to that, it just applies to the thoughts in your life, the way your brain works. And I think these ideas that I was reminded of will help you as you manage your brain with whatever circumstance you're dealing with, okay?
So, just as a very quick background in April, so we were going to be hearing this in like September, like this was so long ago. But in April we had a leak, I walked in to record the podcast in my daughter's room, it was about 5:00 in the morning and I was like, Oh, why is the carpet wet, right? Anyway, turns out we had a pipe that had been leaking, and it had created this water damage. And water damage really wasn't that significant, like when the plumber came out costs like three hundred dollars to fix the pipe, right? But it damaged the wood floor that is like right by my daughter's bedroom, damaged a section of that and turns out that floor goes through the whole house. And so, they were like to renovate this and fix this we're going to have to take this whole floor out from the whole house, and your pipes are really old, and this one broke today, but in six months, you're going to have another one somewhere else in this house, so you're probably going to want to re-pipe your house as well.
So, we decided, okay we're going to like, move out, we're going to repurpose the house, and we're going to redo the floors. And when we did that, of course, my brain had projects that I wanted to do in the house for a long time, but had to put them off, and put them off, because you know, who needs the hassle, right? Like, they're going to be disruptive. They're going to take money, they're going to be all this effort. Like, there were things that I wanted to change in the kitchen, things I wanted to change in the bathrooms, and I just put them off and put them off, and here now we were going to have to be out of the house anyway. So, it was like, okay, this is the time while we're here while we have to be out of the house and while the house is all torn up, let's do these other projects as well, okay? And that is the first thing that I want you to notice is the first like lesson I want you to remember. And that is that like there were things that I wanted to change and do in the house, but I kept putting it off thinking it's going to be too hard, like, I don't need the hassle.
And I think so many times in our lives, we want to do things differently. We want to change the way that we're thinking. We want to change the way we're living our life. We want to change the way we, we like, treat our body. We want to change the way we interact in our relationships. But we think like it's going to be this huge overhaul, this huge disruption, and like, we don't have the time for it, like we're just trying to survive. And so, who has the time for that? Like a lot of times, we come to get help when we're like desperate, right? Like, okay that's the only thing that created like the the momentum for change in the house was like, oh, well, we're going to have to do this big thing, and so now is the perfect time. And sometimes we wait until like catastrophe. We wait until we're so desperate, and I just want you to know that it doesn't have to be like that, right? Your life is not like a renovation project in this way. You do not have to wait. And every little bit that you do to manage your mind, learn about how to like, take responsibility for your thoughts and emotions. All of that like starts to bless your life immediately, it starts to change things like immediately.
I think I've told you before about my client who came to me really desperate about her relationships, her mothering like where she was and in her life. And she had this thought like, this is going to take so much work. And we had a contract to work together for six-months and she was like, I don't know if I can get through all this in six months, right? Like there's my life is such a mess, I don't think six-months is going to help, right? Anyway, like three months in, she was like, I cannot believe how different I feel, how different my life feels. And she said, I don't even know what we're going to work on for the next three months. Now, of course, her brain like, continue to be your brain. So, of course, we had things to work on, but you can make progress so much faster than you think, and it doesn't require you to stop everything else in your life, and put everything on hold, you don't have to move out of the other parts of your life to get help.
And so, I just want to start with that, like so many of us are putting off changes, were putting off getting help, or putting off like even the free consultation call, putting it off until like, it's bad enough. And I just want you to know that you don't have to do that right, that you can start to change things now, and it doesn't require as much time and effort as you think, right? Because the shifts are all made in your mind, and like, this is the perfect time to start, okay?
And then that leads me into the second point, and that is that it's never better there than here. Okay, so let me explain, so once we started these projects and again, like I had had these things in mind for a long time, and I kept thinking, I will love my kitchen more. I will like my kitchen more if I change these things, I will like my floors more, if I change these things, I will like the paint color better, if I change, you know these things. Or the light fixtures like, I have this feeling that if I can change things, then I'm going to like it better. I'm going to like my brain is going to like, love my house, and everything about it. And so, I'm in the middle of this experience, and I'm like recognizing like, okay, now I am picking every single thing. Like, I pick the cabinets, I pick the countertops, I pick the floor color, I pick the painkiller like everything is now, according to my specifications, all the things I like.
And so, you think what happens when we do this, like we think, then we are going to like it and our brain isn't going to be critical of it anymore. But we are wrong about that, okay because our brain never stops being our brain, right? Now, I want you to think about the function of your brain. The function of your brain is to notify you about what's wrong, what's problematic, what we don't like, what is harmful or threatening, or a problem. Now that function does not go away. Once you design your house the way you want it, your brain's like, okay, here's another list of things that I don't like, okay? Now at the risk of sounding really bratty and spoiled, I'm going to tell you what my brain did when I walked into this house, that is beautiful, but where I picked all the things. I picked the floors, and I picked the carpets, and I picked everything, right?
Like, I walk in, and my brain is like, oh my gosh, it's so loud in here like this. Wood is way louder than our other wood. And my brain is like that paint color I really like, but now that paint color makes the white shutters look yellow, like, I'm like, that's not okay. Now, we got to paint the shutters, and like on and on and on, and this is not because I'm spoiled, though. Of course, I am, okay? It is because I have a brain, and my brain's job didn't end because I changed my house. And I want you to know that the same thing applies to your life.
We live our life thinking, oh my gosh, it is going to be so much better when this thing happens. It's going to be so much better when I fix this about me, when I change this, about my body, when our relationship is good and an easy like, we just think it's going to be better. And all that's going to happen is that your brain is going to pick new things to find problems about. Like your brain never says, okay, my work here is done. You know it's work is never done. It is always fulfilling its purpose. And its purpose is to find what has gone wrong. And so, even if everything is quote unquote perfect the way you want it, your brain is still going to find a problem, okay? And I don't want this to be discouraging. You're like, well, then why even try? I could just stay with the things I don't like, right? Because I'm not going to like it there, either. And what I want to offer you is that we don't have to change our brain to be able to manage it.
So, what happens to me is like when I walk in the house, and my brain is like, the house is very loud, right? Like, I manage that thought, like, yes, the house sounds different. That's okay, right? Like I am in charge of managing my brain, I just know that like trying to solve my feelings by changing the things outside of me isn't going to do it, which is why I always say like as we go to change our life, we need to decide and manage our brain about that. Like, manage how we're going to think about us all the way through that and at the other side of it, because that's what matters most, not the changing, but how we think about ourselves, okay? It's not that you can't change things. You can change anything you want in your life. But if you think you need to change it to feel okay that is problematic. Or if you think like you're not going to feel bad, your brain's not going to offer you negativity, if you change it again, you are in trouble if you believe that your brain is just going to find another problem.
So, I say do both, right? Like, change what you want in your life, but not to feel better. Change what you want your life and manage your brain to feel the way you want. Learn the skill of managing your brain in, you know, when you don't like it so that you can manage it when you have it designed the way you want to and you're living your life, the way you want it and your brain still finds problem, that is a skill you're going to need on both ends of your change, okay? So, I really like want you to like, remember that it is not better there than here. Like, I have to manage my brain here. I can change anything I want, and I'm going to have to manage my brain there. Like we can't just like abdicate our brain management, and by constantly changing the circumstances, by constantly changing us or life, our house or whatever like it would literally be never ending.
And can I also just add that this is the work that we came to Earth to do, the work of managing our brain, the work of like? Choosing for ourselves how we're going to feel right, exercising our agency over our brains, suggestions to decide how we're going to feel in our life, right? Like I'm talking about this house renovation like and you probably like none of this matters like your house literally doesn't matter. You're paying college, no matter. And you're correct, right? But what I want you to know is that there is nothing trivial in your Earth life experience, whether you're dealing with your house or you're dealing with like your relationships or like, like deep spiritual matters, it's all the same, i's all brain management. It's all choosing, it's all learning how to choose. And I think it's so amazing that there's nothing trivial in your life. Like everything that happens in your life is an opportunity for you to use your skill, and your choice to feel the way you want, right? Using your power to choose and your agency to create the experience of your life you want, and every part of your life enables you to do that, right? It's like the saying that there is no thing that's just temporal, it's all spiritual. It's all the work we came to do, okay?
That brings us to number three, the third thing that I have been reminded of is that our brain forms patterns, right? Like our brain like in order to be efficient it develops patterns that it just does automatically. And this is come like really like apparent to me because we in one of the rooms in the kitchen, we moved the light switches to the other side of the wall, like as you enter the kitchen instead of the lights, which is being on your left, which they have been since we lived in this house, we've moved the light switches to the right, okay? And every time I walk in the kitchen, I raise my hand on the left to flip the light switch that no longer exists on the left side. And I'm like, I go, oh yeah the light switch is now on the right. But notice, like my brain created a neural pathway, a remembered pathway in practice, turning on the lights on the left for whatever three years, four years, however long we've been here, and it it like has practiced that. And so, it's just doing that automatically, right? And now I'm like, oh no, and I have to redirect, and hit the switch on the right.
The other thing in the kitchen is we move the garbage can from like the side of the island to like a cabinet inside the island. And I walk around the island every day and look down, and there's no trash can there. And I'm like, oh yeah, it's over there in the cabinet. And like you think like my brain would learn this, but I still keep walking to the other side because the most practiced thought wins. My brain has practiced so many more times, turning the lights on the left and walking around the cabinet to the garbage that supposed to be on the other side of the island, right? And so, that most practiced thought is winning, still, even though I know that we've made these changes. Now, what I want to offer you is that over time, my brain is going to learn a different pathway, it's going to learn, oh, it's over here, and and it's going to reprogram. And the little like glial cells are going to go in there and snip the little like pathways that aren't used, the ones on the left are going to disappear over time. And I just have to be patient while my brain reprogrammed, okay?
Now this is no different when it comes to thoughts you are trying to reprogram about yourself, about your life, about your capacity, about any area of your life, right? Like, if you're trying to think, for example, new thoughts about your body and your brain keeps going to the left, you're like, oh no, we don't think that we're incapable. We don't think that we're fat, we don't think these thoughts anymore, instead, we think my body is perfect, right? And we hit this switch on the right, and we make our brain redirect to the new thoughts we want to think. Now, sometimes when we're doing this in our real life, we're like, well, apparently I just can't think this other way, I'm just going to think I'm fat because I am fat, and this is what we think. But that is just the most practiced thought, and if you want to redirect, you certainly can. Your brain can be reprogrammed to think anything.
You just have to every time it's going left, we have to turn it right. Like your brain thinks it knows how it's supposed to respond, it's practiced those thoughts. It's like, oh, this is what we think when we get up in the morning, this is what we think. When we talk to our mother-in-law, this is what we think when we balance our checkbook, right? This is what we think when our child does this thing, and we just always are going left and when we want to reprogram our brain, it's like going to go left. And that's okay because it's practiced those thoughts. But we have to redirect until it gets used to going somewhere else. We have to retrain those pathways, right? Reprogram the pathways, and over time, let the little glial cells go in there and remove the pathways that we no longer want to think. It takes repetition, it takes intention, it takes redirection.
Okay, so a lot of times my clients will say, like, I just keep thinking this, I don't know what to do, right? Like, my brain just wants to go back there and you're like, of course it does. It's had a lot of practice in some cases, like decades of practice thinking a thought. But your brain can be reprogrammed, and we just have to redirect it, and it is not a problem if it keeps going left for a bit, okay? Notice like every time I walk in the kitchen, I never get frustrated, and be like, I can't believe I'm so stupid, that the switch is on the right, when am I going to learn? Like, I never get frustrated, I'm just like, fascinated that my brain is so efficient that it's like, automatically knows, lift your hand to the left like it has that so deep in there, right? And I just think, like, it's so fascinating to think about, like what are the like ways my brain has been efficient when I think about this relationship, or when I think about me with money, or I think about my capacity to, like, contribute in the world or anything. So, I just want you to know that like, you can change that, and it's not a problem if it takes like intention, and concerted effort.
So, that brings us to the fourth thing that I have been reminded of lately, and I actually want to start with the story, and then draw some conclusions from it. So, when we moved back in, it was a lot like moving houses entirely. Like I would say, like three quarters of our house got packed out when we left. And the things that got left were the things like kind of in the storage closets, and like some of our bedding and our clothes, which was unfortunate actually, because there was so much dust that was stirred up from all this construction that I went back in my closet, we had taken some clothes for the two months, but I had left a lot in there, and all of the clothes in there are just like coated in this like really fine construction dirt. Anyway, that is not a detail you need, that is just like, get out your violin for me.
So anyway, when we moved back into the house, it meant unpacking boxes, and going through boxes, reorganizing things, throwing things out, putting things back, right? And I noticed like as I was doing that like this, it just felt so overwhelming to me. And in addition to the feeling of overwhelm, I also felt a lot of shame. Like every box I open, I felt like, why do I have all this stuff, like it just felt so like terrible that there was just like so much stuff. I had so much shame about it. And like, like my brain was just offering me like, you just like, have so much stuff, and you don't take care of it, and you didn't know half of this stuff as or where it goes, and you're so wasteful. Like, my brain kept telling me these thoughts, which produced a ton of shame for me.
So, on the one hand, I had a lot of overwhelmed with thoughts like, we're never going to get this done, our life is never going to be back together, and then had a lot of shame like, you know, you are just like a wasteful, indulgent, like, selfish person, and you have so much stuff and you don't know how to take care of it and all this stuff. So, just imagine I'm having this like cocktail of negative emotion, right? And at the end of my coaching day, I would think like, I need to go in there, and start on some of those boxes, I need to go in there and unpack. I need to open a box, and see what's in it, right? And I just didn't like, I just was like, I would find myself like doing other things, going to the store to buy containers, but not actually unpacking the boxes to put in the containers. I would find myself like watching Netflix, I watched a whole like series of new series, like I really got to find out the end. And so, I was just like this. I thought it was so interesting to watch myself, not do the work.
So, here the thing is like, I'm overwhelmed, and I'm feeling ashamed, so it seems like the answer is to go in there, and clean it up so that we can stop feeling overwhelmed, and ashamed. But notice because I felt overwhelmed and ashamed, I wasn't going in there, and cleaning it up. I was doing the opposite, I was avoiding it. And this is what we do, we feel terrible. And we think that terrible feeling is going to produce actions, right? Like if I hate my body, then I'm going to take care of it or if I like we just we have these ideas that I have to feel bad about a thing in order to change it. Like, I have to feel ashamed, and terrible, and overwhelmed, in order to go in there and take care of those boxes. And the truth was I didn't do anything. I just avoided it when I was swimming in overwhelm, shame, I did not go in there.
So, we so badly want to change things before we can feel good about them. But we've got it backwards. We have to start feeling good in order to take action, right? we cannot change things in our lives, and take the action we want when we are disapproving of ourselves or like hating things. We've got it backwards. And so, I just like I really learned this lesson. I saw myself avoiding the work that needed to be done, And my brain just telling me, like, it's so terrible, go in there and take care of it. But thinking it was so terrible did not make me go in there and take care of it. And this is true in our lives, thinking it's so terrible, thinking it needs to change, thinking, you know, shameful overwhelm thoughts about yourself does not get you into action, it just doesn't. We think it will, and it never, ever does, okay?
Like negative emotion is just so ineffective at driving positive action, just it just doesn't work. So, I just want to remind you of that, in order to take action in any area of your life, you need to stop feeling bad about it. You need to stop making yourself wrong about it. You need to like think about the emotions that you need to fuel you. What positive emotions do you need in order to take the action you want? And then in order to feel that way, you're going to have to think differently. You're going to have to stop telling yourself that you're wasteful, or selfish, or whatever, or that you're never going to get done, and you're going to have to tell yourself instead. Like, in this case, I just told myself, every little bit counts. Every little bit counts, and I felt encouraged, right? So, I want you to really be aware that this goes against our instinct. Our instinct is I have to feel terrible about a thing in order to change it, and the opposite is true. In order to change, we have to like, create positive emotion. We have to feel good about it. We have to like, use the fuel of positive emotion to, like, drive our action. And that starts, by the way we think about it.
And then the last thing that I want to talk to you about what this whole process has reminded me of is that we need to pay attention to the stuff we keep. So, let me just talk for a minute about all the stuff in my life. I already told you I felt a lot of shame about that, I worked through it. But it's really interesting just how much stuff we all really have. And I think, you know, if you're ever struggling with thoughts of scarcity, and you don't have enough, you should just put everything you own into a box, okay? Because then you're going to be really, really aware of how much abundance you really have. So, there were just so many moments where I was like, what is this right? Like, I don't remember owning it. I don't remember purchasing it. I don't remember, like ever wearing it. We were just so many things where I was like, What is all this stuff, right? And I think, like, this is what happens as humans. This is what happens in a human life. We just acquire things, and specifically in terms of this podcast, and want you to think about the thoughts you have acquired, the thoughts you have accumulated throughout your life.
Some of them, you won't even remember where they came from. Some of them like you've been holding on to for a really long time. Some of them, like you've inherited from people like a third grade teacher, gave it to you and you carry it around your whole life, right? So, we just have so many thoughts, and ideas, and beliefs about ourselves that have just accumulated over time. And we need to be consciously, intentionally and continuously calling our mental closet, going through the thoughts we have, and deciding whether or not it's it's still serving us to keep it, and to think it, right? Deciding on purpose, which thoughts get to stay in our life, and which ones really we have outgrown, or they are out of style, or they never fit us to begin with, right? They were never true about us, and we don't want to keep thinking them.
And, of course, like one of the thoughts that gets in the way of doing this, and cleaning out some of these thoughts that we know are we no longer want, but we just keep holding on to and this applies to like any closet reorganization, right? Is the thought like I might need it later, right? That's the thought that prevents us from getting rid of stuff. Well, I might need that later, and I think that is so true of our negative thoughts about ourselves. We are so scared to give up our negative thoughts, about herself or like I might need it later. Like, I might need correction later, I know I might need to change later. I might need to be different later, and I'm going to need these negative thoughts about me to do that right. But this is never true, right? You are never going to get to a place where you're just like blissfully ignorant of all your fault. And you just like, I have no faults whatsoever. I got rid of all my negative thoughts, and now I have none, right? That's not how it works, as I said in the segment.
The second tip your brain is going to always find faults, and we need to be constantly tossing those out as our brain presents negative thoughts to us. We need to be redirecting, and tossing those out, and calling our closet. I promise you, you will. You do not need them later, okay? You are not in danger of becoming smug, and arrogant, and self-absorbed. Your brain is going to take care of that for you. It's going to keep letting you know what's wrong. And so, I just I just want to encourage you, like, let's clean out that closet. Let's get rid of those thoughts that are no longer serving you, okay? Because what I want you to remember is that your brain is not just a storage unit holding thoughts, right? Your brain isn't just up there, like holding on to them, and storing them, and packing them away in containers.
Your brain is using those thoughts to create your life, right? Your brain isn't a storage unit. Your brain is a creation machine, and it's using all the thoughts that are up there, stored in your head to create your life, to produce your reality and to give you all the results in your life. And that means we have to be really intentional about the thoughts that we're keeping because they are producing your results. You always get to choose. You are under no obligation to keep any thought. You get to examine the thought, and ask yourself if I continue to think this, what is that going to create in my life, right? Because all of our thoughts do show up, they do produce results. So, ask yourself like, okay what do I want to think about my body, my money, my capacity to love, like the inevitability of my success? What are the thoughts I want, and what are the thoughts I no longer need, and just don't eat them back to the universe?
Okay, so I think it's really helpful if your brain says like, well, I can't change this thought, I can't throw this thought out, I've had this thought forever, this is just who I am like. If it's a really sticky thought one way to loosen up, like the thought, is to look at the results it creates, okay? So, that means looking at okay, when I think this thought, how do I feel? When I feel that way, what do I do? And when I do those things, what do I create for me in my life? So, I'll just give you an example from my own life, I used to believe that I'm hard to love, right? And my coach was like, Why do you want to believe that? Like, I don't want to believe that, that's just true, right? And she was like, you know, basically inviting me to get rid of the thought.
And I was like, I can't get rid of it. Like, this is who I am. I'm just hard to live with. You don't know, like, let me tell you, right? And like if we really examine that, okay how do you feel when you think I'm hard to love? I I feel terrible, I feel ashamed. I feel deeply ashamed of who I am and what I do, and I'm ashamed. I withdraw. I hide. I, you know, I try to protect the people I love from loving me because like, like, I'm hard, and I don't want you to experience me, right? And I isolate myself, right? And then the result of that, what do I create for me is that like, I'm hard to love myself. Like, I don't find myself lovable. I make it hard to love myself, and in so many ways, I make it even harder for people love me. I get pricklier, and icier, and colder, right? So, what you can do is show yourself like, look, this thought feels really important to think. Like we got to be really aware that we're hard to love. We got to know this is our problem so that we can take care of it, but continuing to think it just creates more of it in our life, right?
And so, instead, like, I got to replace that thought. I got to like, toss it out and choose instead, I'm a safe place to land, in a soft place to land. When I think that how do I feel? I feel warm. I feel generous. Then what do I do and what result does that create in my life? So, that is the way to kind of go through. You know, Marie Kondo always says, like you ask those questions, does it spark joy? And like, is it useful? I can't remember all the questions, obviously, because yeah, you already know my closets are a mess. I don't know all the questions, but the questions I want you to ask you as you go through to like, call out your thoughts. Are these when I think that how do I feel, when I feel that way? What do I do? And when I do that, what do I create for me in my life? And if you don't like what that creates, you're totally allowed to get rid of that thought, okay? You can just toss it, you can donate it back to the universe.
All right, my friends, that's what I have for you today. Renovate your thoughts. First, start now, it's not as big a job as you think it will be to. It's never going to be better there than here. We got to learn to love where we are and manage our brain because we're going to have to do that when we get there. Your brain forms, patterns like to be efficient, but it can be reprogrammed just like be consistent and redirecting it to the new programming. Quit thinking, terrible thoughts and feeling bad is never going to produce positive action, okay? We have to think differently, and feel differently in order to take the action we want in our life. And finally, consciously choose the thoughts you want in your life. And finally, consciously choose the thoughts you want in your life based on the results you want to create for yourself. You are in charge of your brain and you can use it to create the life you want, and that, my friends, is 100% awesome. I love you for listening and I'll see you next week!
Thanks so much for joining me on the podcast today. If you want to take the things I've talked about and apply them in your life so that you can love your Earth life experience. Sign up for a free coaching session at aprilpricecoaching.com. This is where the real magic happens and your life starts to change forever as your coach. I'll show you that believing your life is 100% awesome is totally available to every one of us. The way things are is not the way things have to stay. And that, my friends is 100% awesome!
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