Episode 15: How to Accomplish Anything
Aug 15, 2019
Do you have things you want to accomplish in your life, but despite all your good intentions, day after day, year after year, find yourself unchanged and making no real progress towards your goals?
In this episode of the podcast I'll show you that this is not because you are undisciplined or weak. It is because, as humans, we think the way to accomplish things is to focus on what we are DOING, to try to take more action in order to get different results in our life.
But this will only take us so far.
To really get the traction we need to accomplish anything, we have to focus on what we are THINKING instead. In The Model, developed by Brooke Castillo, we see that:
THOUGHTS > create feelings
FEELINGS > drive action
This is the way to accomplish anything.
You can take any action in your life if you remember that the feeling needs to come first. And every feeling is created by a thought. Whatever action you are taking or not taking in our life, is only because of a thought you are having...and that my friends is 100% awesome!
To download a free worksheet of THE MODEL, click here.
Or to get a copy of the transcript, please click here.
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