Try Coaching for Yourself

Believe Anything

Feb 01, 2021

Did you know you get to believe whatever you want?

I mean, really.  

Whatever. You. Want.

About anything.

Even you!

The other day my coach posted a picture of herself on Instagram wearing a yellow sweater. She wrote, “I told myself for YEARS that I didn’t look good in yellow. Then I decided I didn’t want to believe that anymore.”

And it reminded me that for years I believed my ankles were too thick to wear shoes with straps around the ankles, or booties that stopped at the ankle. That would draw people’s eyes to my horrifically thick and hopelessly flawed ankles! šŸ˜® 

But I recently bought two pairs of booties that I love and decided that I don’t have to think that anymore.

It was all just made up anyway.

Every thought is made up.

Even the dumb ones.

Even the little ones.

Even the ones that you got when you were sixteen.

Even the ones that someone you loved or some beauty expert in a magazine told you.

They’re all made up.

And you get to believe (or not believe!) any thought you want.


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