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Best Summer Travel Tips

Jun 27, 2024
April Price Coaching
Best Summer Travel Tips

Summer is traditionally a time of year where many of us take a break, get away, and do some traveling.

And so today on the podcast I thought I’d share my best travel tips. But this episode isn’t about things like how to pack efficiently or how to make the most of your travel reward points. Today I’m giving you all my best tips about what to think and how to feel as you travel with your loved ones—so that you have the best possible experience mentally and emotionally as you travel together this summer.

Because guess what?

No matter how far you go, no matter how exotic the location or how many planes, trains, or ferries you took to get there, your vacation is still being experienced through the filter of your brain. And even though we’re getting away from it all, we never get away from our brains.


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