Episode 17: Why Everybody Needs a Life Coach with Jody Moore
Aug 29, 2019
In this episode of the podcast, I'm talking about why everyone with a human brain needs a life coach.
Our brains are programmed to notice potential dangers and all the things that are wrong with us, but because we're inside our own heads, these thoughts feel like the truth. This makes it hard to distinguish the fallacies in our own thinking and decipher the lies that our own brain is selling us in an effort to keep us "safe." This is where a great coach can make all the difference.
Every one of us can benefit from the perspective of a coach—someone who can see how we are hurting ourselves with our thoughts and offer an us alternative way to think.
Join me for this incredible conversation with Master Coach, Jody Moore, to get her perspective on why coaching can be so valuable for each one of us.
It's not too much to say that Jody's coaching completely changed my life and I'm hoping this interview will change yours as well. Everything in my life started to change when I hired my first coach and took a chance on believing in myself. I hope you'll take the same chance on yourself.
To experience a free coaching session and see the difference life coaching can make in your own life sign up on my calendar.
For more information on Jody Moore's coaching program go to www.jodymoore.com or find her on her podcast Better Than Happy.
Over the last two years, I have also benefited from the wisdom and expertise of two amazing health and fitness coaches:
Laurel Driggs: www.themacroslife.com
Susan Dangerfield: www.sdangerfit.com
I believe in coaching!
Interested in Coaching?
If you are interested in coaching with me, please email [email protected]
to enquire about availability and I'll send you a link to schedule a call where we can talk about working together.