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Freedom from the Tyranny of Your Brain

Jul 04, 2024
April Price Coaching
Freedom from the Tyranny of Your Brain

We spend all of our time inside our own heads, but have you ever noticed how it’s often more like a prison than a playground in there? Our brains can be tyrants. And if we leave the thoughts it gives us unquestioned or unsupervised, they will keep us stuck and tortured and oppressed.

On today’s podcast, I’m talking about how you can use your agency to break free from the tyranny of your brain and overthrow the regime in your head that is constantly criticizing, comparing, doubting, and diminishing you.

I’ll show you five specific ways our brain harasses us, traps us, imprisons us, keeps us stuck and feeling bad—and what to do about it!

Learning to overthrow the tyranny and the dictatorship of your own brain is so important to be able to do what you want, feel how you want, be who you want, and create a life you love.

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