Try Coaching for Yourself

Keep Working on It

Jul 11, 2024
April Price Coaching
Keep Working on It

It’s the middle of the year.

Maybe some of you are feeling like we’re already halfway through the year and you haven’t accomplished as much as you wanted to yet. Maybe you’re feeling a little discouraged with your progress, or maybe your brain has convinced you that the things you want are never going to happen and this is a good time to just give up. 

Today on the podcast I want to give you some encouragement to keep going and some tools to help you keep working on the things you want to accomplish and create in your life.

In this episode we’ll talk about how discouragement and shame can stop us from continuing to work towards the things we want and what to do about them. And I’ll share two powerful experiences I had recently that I think will help motivate and inspire you to keep working on it no matter where you are in your progress.

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