Lessons about Creation from 5 Years of Podcasting

Apr 25, 2024
April Price Coaching
Lessons about Creation from 5 Years of Podcasting

This week’s podcast episode marks 5 years of the show!

And today I’m sharing 5 important things that I have learned during that time as I have created this podcast.

No matter who you are or what you are trying to create in your life, your brain is going to create resistance and excuses and fear and these can keep you from creating the things you want.

So today, I want to inspire you and give you the help you need to overcome your brain.

Along the way, I’ll teach you that creation is an accumulation, it is imperfect, it is vulnerable, it is important, and it is unique—and I’ll show you how embracing these principles of creation can get you started and keep you moving towards your dreams.  


Welcome to the 100% Awesome Podcast with April Price. You might not know it, but every result in your life is 100% because of the thoughts you think. And that, my friends, is 100% awesome.

Hello podcast universe! Welcome to episode 260 of the 100% Awesome Podcast. I'm April Price, and I just want you to know that this episode officially marks five years of podcasting, five years, 52 podcasts a year. That's 260 episodes. And I just want to welcome all of you who are here and have been along for the ride, like whether you have been here since the beginning or if you just got here.

I just want to let you know how much I love you and how much I appreciate you. And I want to thank you for being here and for letting me be a part of your life. It is such a privilege, and I just feel so, so grateful to have a place in your life. I'm grateful that you're out there listening, and I feel really, really lucky to have shared these last five years of growth and learning and discovery with you. So yeah, thank you for being here. And welcome to the five year anniversary of this podcast.

Got back just a few days ago from Costa Rica, where I went to surf camp, and I had a really, really amazing time. I actually cannot wait to tell you all about it. I'm gonna have to wait till next week, because today I kind of want to talk about the lessons from the last five years of podcasting since it is our five year anniversary, but I learned so many things going to that surf camp, not just about surfing, I'm sure you know, but more about me and my brain and the way all of our brains work. And so. But that's gonna wait for next week, all right.

But it was ten out of ten, one of the very best experiences in my life. And as amazing as that last week was, this week has kind of been the opposite. Like reentry has been really, really rough. I have not felt well since I got home. I've had a bunch of like gastro stuff and like skin stuff, dermatological stuff. Apparently I got some sort of bacteria while I was there, and it's been a rough re-entry and a tough week inside of my human physical body.

But you know, we're getting better every day. Even though my brain's like, we're never gonna feel good again. We're never gonna feel good again. I know that that is not true. That is not true. It's gonna get better. So let's get to this episode this week. Like I said, marks five years of podcasting. And so I wanted to talk about the things I've learned from doing that and from making this consistent choice in my life. And as I say that you might be thinking, oh my gosh, I this is not for me. I'm not starting a podcast. I don't care, right? But I think, like, if you're someone who has something that you've been wanting to do and wanting to create in the world, and you keep putting it off, or if you're just someone who wants to show up consistently for yourself and develop habits and stop making excuses in any area of your life, then I think this episode is going to be really, really useful to you as always.

Like it is not about the activity itself. What I want to talk about is what I've learned by taking that action, right? What I've learned about myself, what I've learned about overcoming resistance and doing things when they're hard or scary or vulnerable and you don't want to, all right. And like that applies to all of us, right. So, I hope this will be really, really inspiring and useful to you today. So, the first lesson that I feel like I've learned is that creation is a cumulative process.

And I know we know this logically, right? I know you've heard it a million times. Like the journey, every journey starts with one step, right? And we just kind of roll our eyes and we're just like, oh yeah, I know, line upon line, right? But even though we know that even that we know that creation is an accumulation of decisions and it's a cumulative process and it's a building process most of the time we are all still expecting instantaneous creation, instantaneous change, instantaneous differences in our lives, right? I was thinking about it's like we sort of believe in creation ex nihilo. Right? Like like that Latin word which is like teaches that matter just like appeared out of some divine creative act and that it's not eternal. And it's not like, you know, being transformed, but that like, it just appears out of out of nowhere, out of nothing, right? And like, boom, we just speak it into existence and it's just magicked into existence and our lives are just, like, transformed immediately.

But of course, that's not how creation works. And I know that even saying this out loud might feel so obvious and boring to you. You're just like, okay, yeah, whatever. But it's so important that we. Accept and embrace that principle. That creation is a process. It is a becoming. It is a constant, ongoing process of addition and subtraction. It's an accumulation over time creation is never just one decision.

It is an accumulation of decisions. And most of our decisions, right? Like to show up week after week after week after week on the podcast. Like those decisions that I made long ago. They are still creating my present, right? Like I was thinking about. There was a week in October of 2020 where I made a decision to go in my closet and record a podcast, and that decision is still creating this moment right now. That decision clear back then is creating episode 260 right now, right. It's just like amazing to me to think about that, that it's like an accumulation of October 2020 that decision and and March 2022 that decision. And so, I just really want to encourage you to stop trying to make big changes, stop trying to execute big dreams. It doesn't work that way. What you want to do is start making little decisions over and over and over again, and trust that they will accumulate, that they have to accumulate.

Like as you look around your life, every result that you see, good or bad, quote unquote, they, they it didn't appear out of nowhere. It didn't ex nihilo into your life. Right? Everything in your life is a result of tiny decisions made over and over and over again. And that means you know how to create. You're doing it every day, and you can't not do it because every decision you make is creating something. And the more similar decisions that you can make and string those together, the more they will accumulate.

Like I said, they can't help it. They have, they must, right? They must be created if I keep deciding. So, I really want you to watch yourself and notice when you're expecting things to just like change quickly or change immediately and be way more invested in making those small decisions. What small decision do I need to make next? Recently I was listening to Rob Bell and he was saying, you know, don't have dreams, make plans, right? Like we just have this dream that this thing is going to happen and that someday I'm going to have this thing.

And he's like that. It doesn't work, right? Stop having dreams, don't have dreams, make plans. Like, look at what you want, look at that dream, and then ask yourself, what is the smallest unit of action I need to take? And then make a plan to take that action consistently, whatever that means for you, like, so that it can accumulate. All right. Make plans to do the smallest unit of the thing you want to do, and don't stop doing it. That is how you create things. All right. And listen, I'm still working on it.

Like I've learned this principle when it comes to like, you know, changing my body and preparing for some of these endurance events I've learned on my podcast. Right. The accumulation. And now I'm starting to work on it in other areas of my life. I have other creative projects and other creative goals that I want to achieve, and I find myself just like wanting it to exist without doing the tiny steps. And it's just a good reminder for me as well. Like I'm still working on it. We all are. That's why we're here. And so I don't want you to be mad at yourself if you've been waiting for Ex Nihilo, like that's what we do, right? But we gotta stop dreaming and start making plans.

Okay, the second thing that I think that I've really learned over this, these five years, is how important the permission to be bad at something is, right? Like, I think what really has allowed me to accumulate all that and even start my podcast is just the permission to be bad at it. Like, I just remember when I was starting, like, uh, I was just following the examples of people I really admired in the podcast space, right? And I was just like, oh my gosh, I'll never be them.

And I really had to give myself permission to be bad at it. And that is true of anything that you want to try, that you want to do differently, that you want to, you know, create in your life. You have to give yourself permission to be bad at it. Like when I first started lifting weights, I had to give my self permission to not know what the heck I was doing and to be bad at it. With surfing, it's so easy for me to give myself permission to be bad at it. I've never done it, never even lived by the ocean. Of course I'm going to be bad at it and then it just allows me to try new things.

All right. It also, I think it's so valuable the permission to get it wrong. Like it takes the pressure off everything in your life so that you can give yourself more room and grace to practice. Right? Like when it comes to your money and like, for so long I thought I'm bad with money. And it was like that was a problem. And once I decided it wasn't a problem, that I was bad with it, then I could practice and then I could change it. Parenting. Same thing. Like I needed to acknowledge that. Like, I don't know how to do this and I shouldn't know it was okay, that I didn't do it.

Well, and that allows me to practice and do it better. The permission to be bad at it and the permission to fail. Even when you're going to do something you don't know how to do, is so essential. Like we're just not starting or we're not keeping going because we're just like, well, I guess that's not for me because I'm bad at it. No, you're supposed to be bad at it. And the more you do it, the better you're going to get at it, right? It's really hard to make that those small decisions over and over and over again, if you have to do it right, and if it has to be good.

And I know for a lot of us, like. You know, we've spent our lives trying to prove that we are good and trying to, like, be the star student and like, be the good parent and the good wife and the good child of God, that good everything. And that makes it really hard to start something new and to practice. So, when you give yourself permission to be bad at it or to fail, or to do it wrong, that is so essential to helping you get started, right? Like when it comes to me training for these endurance events, like I'm sitting outside the gym and I need to go in there and do a run.

I tell myself like, it's okay if it's hard today, it's okay if you're bad at it. It's okay if you're slow. It's okay if you get sick, like I will be with you. It's fine, right? And I, I just talk to myself like it's okay if it doesn't look pretty. It's okay if it's ugly. The podcast sometimes, like, I would be sort of like, what do I have to say this week? I don't have anything to say. I don't know where to start. I have no ideas. I have nothing to offer. This is my brain's just like, ah. And I would just be like, it's okay. Like it doesn't have to be a good one. I would tell myself that this doesn't have to be a good episode.

Like my podcast editor gave me that thought. She was just like, you don't owe anyone a good episode. And that just took the pressure off, right? That's what you're trying to do with that thought is you're trying to reduce the stakes for yourself. And so sometimes I would just tell myself, look, it doesn't have to be long and it doesn't have to be good. I just need to share one thought, share one idea that might help one person. Notice how I just, like, reduce the stakes of it needing to be something big or important or good. And inevitably when I was just like, okay, just share one small thought that might help one person, then the ideas would flow.

Then I always inevitably turned into one of my long podcasts, right? And that really, really helped that permission for it to be small, for it to be wrong, for it to be bad, is so useful. Another tool that has been super useful, that kind of goes along with this is the rule of thirds. And I know that I've shared it before, but I got this idea from Alexi Pappas, who got it from her Olympic coach, and she was saying that like one day she had a real bad workout in getting ready for the Olympics. And she was just like, oh, no, like, you know, what does this mean for my chances at the Olympics and, and all that.

And she said her coach just told her about the rule of thirds, which is a third of your workouts are going to be amazing. They're going to feel so good. You're going to make progress, it's going to feel great. And a third of your workouts are just going to be okay. They're just going to be like going through the motions. It's just going to be like, okay, I put my time in, but I didn't really see any progress or whatever. And he said a third of them are going to be awful. A third of them are, you're not going to hit your goals. You're not going to meet your expectations. It's going to be hard. It's it's going to be a slog and you're going to have doubts. And that's just the way that it goes, right? But if you can kind of expect that this is the rule of thirds, then when you have a bad workout, we have a bad episode or you have a bad day or you have a bad interaction with your kids, you're just like, yeah, that's the rule of thirds, right? Like it's not going to go great every time.

And again, it's just reducing the stakes that a third of these might not be useful, right? Might not be good. But that's okay because a good one is coming. And that really helps me keep going in so many areas of my life. But it's been really important, especially lately with my running or with my podcast. And sometimes I'll even text my son because we, we talk about this rule of thirds a lot. And, and I'll just be like, yeah, I'm chalking this one up to the rule of thirds, and we'll do it with our podcast and we'll do it with our training and like it, it just makes it okay.

You can just move on to the next one, right? The permission to be bad at it and the permission to like get it wrong. It also means you don't have to wait until you're ready. You don't have to wait until you know more. You don't have to wait until you know everything. You don't have to wait until you're quote unquote qualified. Like five years ago when I started, I knew so much less than I know right now. Like I probably didn't have, like, any business starting a podcast, but like I learned so much by doing it right. Like, what the heck did I know? It didn't matter.

Like, you don't have to be quote unquote qualified. You don't have to be ready when you give yourself the permission to, to be bad, to just start to be where you're at. Right. So I just want to give all of you that permission start. Let it be bad. You're going to learn so much by doing. There's no other way to do it, okay? And this leads us to the third thing that I've learned, and that is that creation is a vulnerable act. It is a vulnerable offering and if you feel vulnerable while you do it, you're doing it right.

Okay. Like some of us, I think we think like, uh, this vulnerability should go away. And maybe if I was qualified or maybe if I was better at this, then I would not feel vulnerable. Putting this out into the world. But, like, I just find that it. It doesn't go away, right? So the more you make a decision, the more times you make a decision as those decisions start to accumulate. The spiritual thing starts to become physical, right? So, for this podcast, for example, the more I did it, the more decisions I make to do it, that every week that I showed up, it became a bigger and bigger physical thing in the world.

It became more visible, right? Like the more times you make the decision to go to the gym, the more times it's going to change your body on the outside and it's going to be visible in the physical world. And that means, like whatever we're creating and it's starting to become more and more visible because we keep making the decision more and more times. That means that other people are going to be able to see it and judge it and have opinions about it, right? And maybe not like it. And that feels vulnerable, right? So, so many of our dreams stay spiritual, meaning we don't create them, we don't make the decisions.

They kind of just stay in our heart or stay in our mind, because bringing them out into the physical world feels so vulnerable. This thing that matters to us and is precious to us, like, will then be seen and judged and people will have opinions about it. And again, like I said, that feels very vulnerable because you might have given yourself permission for it to be bad. But like maybe other people haven't given you the same permission, or at least it feels like they haven't. Right? And so I just want you to know that creation takes courage.

You have to be brave when you feel so vulnerable, right? Like I was thinking about kids and how creative they are and how willing they are to try new things, right? And I think that it's because their brains are not fully aware and conscious that other people are having thoughts about them. They don't know yet that other people are having thoughts that are different than their own thoughts about themselves, right? And as we grow, we start to figure that out. As we go through puberty and our brains start to become more self-conscious and start to recognize like, oh my gosh, everybody else is having thoughts and they're having thoughts about me.

Right then our vulnerability increases, our self-consciousness increases, and it and it feels scary to try new things and to be bad at things. And so all that to say that if we are going to do new things, if we're going to create things in the world, if we're going to change our lives like there is a certain amount of vulnerability that is never really going to go away. And the solution is to be brave. The solution is to have courage, right? A thought that I think and use a lot on a weekly basis.

I use it all the time as I just tell myself, this is the part where we are brave. Right? Like, yeah, it's okay that I'm scared. It's fine. That just means that this is the part where we need to be brave. And so the other thing that I would say about that is that you need to make yourself safe, right? It feels vulnerable to put it out in the world. You need to like, name that fear, acknowledge what you're scared of, and then find a way to make yourself emotionally and psychologically safe.

Like, no matter what other people think, this is what I'm going to think. I'm going to love it. I'm going to think it's good. It's mine. And so it is good. Yesterday, my daughter sent me a text because she was like submitting an audition tape for a musical that she wanted to be a part of. And she was, like, so nervous to, like, show me the tape. You know, I could tell in the way that she wrote the text and she was just like she, you know, kind of said, like, I know these are all bad, but tell me, which is the best one of the bad ones, you know? And she was just so hesitant. And I just told her, like, you get to love this.

You get to be so proud. You get to think it's awesome, right? Like it feels so vulnerable. And we're like, we want to get ahead of the rejection. And so, we start to reject ourselves, right. And I just told her, like, you are allowed to think this is freaking awesome, right? It is yours. And so it is good. It is yours. And you get to love it. And. Like that vulnerability. Is not because it's bad. It's not because it's bad work. It's because it's vulnerable. It's because you're showing it to another human being and putting it in front of them to judge. And so that's supposed to feel scary.

One of my favorite authors is Amy Harmon, and she recently just, like, published a new book, and she was just talking about how vulnerable it feels to like, publish it out into the world, you know? And I was just, like, amazed by her thoughts because, you know, this is not her first book. She's written a lot of books, and yet she still feels vulnerable putting it out there. She's like, it's mine. I've loved it, I've cherished it, I've taken care of it. I've grown up, we've grown together. And now I'm going to put it out in the world to be judged. And she's like, that's so scary. It's like sending your child out into the world, you know? And I was just, like, so reassured by those thoughts because I was like, here is a woman who has done the work, who has an agent, who has a publisher, who has like all the things that I think would make you feel really confident and powerful. And she's like, no, what I feel is vulnerable.

And that is so important that we all understand that, that our creations and and the things that we put out into the world, that physical, you know, manifestations of our dreams that is of such a vulnerable process. And it's supposed to be. So, the answer then is to create some safety for yourself and be courageous. Okay, that brings us to the next thing that I've learned is that you need a great y. You need a great y, right? Because creation takes so many decisions that you have to make again and again and again.

And because some of it is going to be bad and because it is a very vulnerable process, like you need a great why, you need a great way to help you keep going when your brain is producing all of this resistance. And you need a great Y that you can come back to again and again. This is why I'm doing it. This is why it matters to me. And that may change over time, but you need to always just have a touchstone that you can go back to to know why you're doing it and why you're asking yourself to be vulnerable while you're asking yourself, you know, to do the this uncomfortable work.

And I was thinking about like, why I started my podcast, why I wanted to do it. And I really felt like my life had been so changed by other people's willingness to be vulnerable and other people's willingness to, like, share their experience and share their lives and share what they learned. I feel like my life had changed so much because of that, that I wanted to do the same thing. I wanted to give hope to people in the same way that other people had given it to me. Like. I still remember listening to the Life Coach School podcast for the first time and just being like, so astounded by what I was hearing.

It just had such an incredible impact. And I just like binge that podcast, Jody Moore's podcast. I've been with them for like five months before I was brave enough to sign up for coaching, but I just like hearing their thoughts in their podcast. Hearing those thoughts started to change my mind, and changing my mind started to change my life and my life, my family's life. Like because of people's willingness to be vulnerable and share what they knew and share what they learned and share what was working for them like that undeniably changed my life and my family's life, and I just believed that there was a chance that my podcast might do the same thing for someone else to, like, ease someone else's burdens, ease their suffering like I felt so trapped by my own mind and my own limitations and my own rules and all these things that I felt like were true about me, that were just thoughts, the freedom and the relief and the light that poured into my life.

Like I just thought, like, if I had the chance to give that to somebody else, I wanted to. And of course, even though I wanted to do that and I wanted to help somebody and I wanted to ease their burdens, like, again, it was still so vulnerable and still scared about it being bad. And I was still scared about a lot of things, just like, you know, I told you this before, but like my first episode, when I published that episode, I told my husband, I'm like, I feel like I'm standing naked in front of Times Square, even though, like, probably five people heard that podcast and they were all people who loved me, but it just felt so vulnerable, right? Anyway, along the way that like in that first like few months that I was doing it, it was just such a terrifying experience for me.

And I was talking to my coach about it at the time, and she just asked me this one question. She said, Will it help one person? And I was like, yeah, maybe, right. Probably it will probably help one person. And that possibility was my why? That thought. This will help one person. That was my why? And if one person could feel a little bit better about themselves, about their Earth life experience, about all of it, like if one person could feel a little bit better, then that was why I wanted to do it.

And that question is what has helped me keep going for all these episodes. That why? Because it might help one person. And that brings me to the last thing that I wanted to talk about, that I've really learned in doing this process, and that is that you matter. Your creations matter. Your story matters. Like, I've really learned that creation is a universal experience, right? Based on universal principles, meaning we're all creating and we're all doing it in the same way by, you know, continuously making these courageous decisions.

But even though it's a universal experience based on universal principles, it is an absolutely unique and individual production, meaning you can only create your thing and you are the only one who can create it. Nobody can do it like you do it right, and we need all of the creations. We need all of the versions. Your version of your creation matters, whatever that looks like, right? When you study the creation of God, what you see is abundance.

There's like something for everyone. There's a tree for everyone. There is a flower for everyone. There is like no end to the abundance. And it's like we need all of the versions, right? And I just like, love that thought that we don't just need one, we don't just need one perspective. We need all the versions. When we were in Costa Rica, we spend a lot of time with these other people who were strangers when we first got there and we were, you know, getting to know each other or whatever. And one of the questions my husband asked was like, what's the last concert you went to? And it was just so revealing.

There was everybody had it was different for everybody who was there. They'd all been to a different concert, right? And I was just like, yeah, because we need all the versions. There's something that speaks to every one of us. And like, this summer we're gonna travel to Ireland to see a band. And what's funny is I, like, talk to two other people. I was talking to my sister and she's traveling to Ireland to see a different band. And I was talking to a friend yesterday, and she's traveling to London to see a different band with her kids. And I was just like, oh my gosh, like, I don't even know these other bands that my sister, my and my friend are going to.

And like, they don't know the one that I'm going to. And yet, like, we need all the versions those bands speak to us. They their way of seeing the world like matters to us and it helps us navigate the earth life experience. You know, I was thinking like all these musicians, all they're doing is the same thing. They're trying to make sense of the world. Why we're here, what it means, what we do with our pain. Right? And they have their version, their explanation, their interpretation, and all of those attempts, all those interpretations are needed. They are speaking to all of us in a different way, and it won't be for everyone, but it's not supposed to be. And so sometimes we think like, why should I do it? Somebody's already done it, and they've probably done it better than me, for sure. Other people have podcasts that talk about similar things that I do, and we could argue that they've probably done it better than me.

But I have to know that my version matters, that my voice matters, that my interpretation matters. The my interpretation will be the right way for someone else. You have to know that your version of whatever you are creating matters, and it has to matter to you most of all. And all any one of us can do is do what we can with what we have, and that has to be enough. It's all you have, right? And that is always enough. I was reminded of that story about Fred Rogers right after nine over 11.

He had already retired, but after nine over 11 happened, he really felt compelled to, like, make these video messages to the children that he had talked to that were now grown up and were raising children of their own. And he really wanted to, like, make these messages of hope and light and offer some like balm to the world. After nine over 11 happened and his producer, Margie Whitmer talked about how like, stressed and troubled he was and how like insecure he felt about doing this.

And he admitted to her, like, I just don't know what good these are going to do. And like, I relate to that, right? Like sometimes we think like, yeah, I want to create this thing and I want to help people or I want to like create this thing in my life, but I don't know. What good it's going to do. I don't know if it's going to matter. I don't know if we need one more voice out there. I don't even know if I know what to say. Right. And he was just, like, so stressed and worried about it. And yet he believed that he needed to make some offerings, some add some light to the world.

And in one of those promos he said, no matter what our particular job, especially in our world today, we are all called to be tikkun olam repairers of creation. And I know that I've talked to you about that phrase before, that Hebrew word tikkun olam. It talks about like that, like creation is broken. We live in the world and it's broken and it needs repair. And like, we can all be part of that repair, that we all have something to add, that we all have something to give, that we all have light to lend, and we all have a way to care for others that is unique to us.

And he went on to say, thank you for whatever you do, wherever you are, to bring joy and light and hope and faith and pardon and love to your neighbor and to yourself.

And I just love that that as you create in the way that only you can, you are participating in the repair of the world in the time alarm, and you can't understand the ripple effect of your creation. You can't calculate the amount of good that it will do in the world. You can't possibly know the ripple effects of your offerings of that vulnerability. The other day. I told you this already. But I turned 50 and for my 50th birthday, my children created a video.

They contacted my friends and they created a video of like, everybody giving me birthday wishes and telling me, you know, why they loved me and sharing memories. And on that video, my children also shared their thoughts about me and shared why they loved me. And I sat there watching that and just crying. And my thought was I figured it out in time. Like I figured it. I didn't do it perfectly, and I and I did a lot of things wrong, and I made a lot of mistakes, and that's true.

But also like. I figured some things out, and I repaired some relationships, and I changed some things in my life, and I participated in them, all of my family, and repaired some of the cracks and some of the damage and some of the brokenness. And I was so grateful that I figured it out in time because of like, the offerings that other people made. Like I said, those podcasts that I listened to, the coaching that I got, like other people made offerings, vulnerable offerings, created something in the world, and that allowed me to figure it out in time.

To have these relationships with my children and to repair the brokenness. And I just sat there thinking like, those people will never know the impact they had on my life. Like the people that helped me change, the people who gave me different thoughts about myself and my possibility in my life. They will never know the ripple effect. They just put that creation out into the world and trusted that they were part of the light of the world. Part of the pardon and the love. That they were extending to their neighbor.

So, I just want you to know that it matters. That your creation matters, that your light matters. It won't be exactly like anyone else's, and it won't be exactly what everyone else needs. It will be unique to you, and it will be useful to the ones that it lights the way for. And you just have to trust that that is true. I love this thought about the light because light keeps traveling even after the source is gone, right? Like.

The stars that we see, they might not even be there anymore. That light is still traveling towards us millions of years after it left them. And in the same way, when your creation becomes a physical thing in the world, like it exists after the source is gone, and it will help even when you're not here. When I'm not here, these words, this podcast will still be out there traveling to someone and creating light. And I want you to know that that matters.

That your way, that your creation. It matters.

Okay, my friends, that's what I have for you today. I have learned that creation is an accumulation. That it is imperfect. That it is vulnerable, that it is important, and that it is unique. You know, I often wonder why we hear the creation story over and over again, right? Like, especially in my religious culture, like we hear it so often and I just think, like, God is always trying to remind me of why I came to create.

He's like, I created this so you could come and create, and he's just always trying to remind me of my abilities and power to create this divine inheritance that he has given all of us. Your divine inheritance is to be a creator. It is who you are. And the most powerful gift that God has given you is the ability to create and change the world. Change your world through your choices. And that's what you came to earth to learn and to practice and hope you let yourself do it. I hope you let yourself create all the things you want.

And that, my friends, is 100% awesome. I love you for listening and I'll see you next week. Thanks so much for joining me on the podcast today. If you're serious about changing your life, you first have to change your mind. And the best way to do that is through coaching. I work with my clients one on one to help them change their thoughts and their feelings about themselves, their lives, and their challenges so that they can live a life they love. If you'd like to work with me one on one, you can learn more and schedule a free call to try coaching for yourself at Aprilpricecoaching.com.

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