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Present Over Perfect

Oct 17, 2024
April Price Coaching
Present Over Perfect

It can be easy for our natural desires to change and grow to become a never-ending quest for continued self-improvement and optimization.

This can lead us down a road where we’re always chasing what comes next because we believe that next version of ourselves will be better than who we are now. And without meaning to, we can end up making our present selves inferior to some superior future self, and always feel a low level of discontent with ourselves and our lives.

On today’s episode of the podcast, I’m inviting you to the idea of choosing present over perfect. And I’m giving you thoughts and strategies to be more present in your life and to value you who you are and where you are, without worrying that your contentment will make you complacent.

If you’re someone who finds it difficult to rest or if you find yourself always trying to prove or earn your worthiness, I hope this episode will allow you to embrace your inherent goodness and trade your quest for perfection for joy in the present.

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