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Self Help in the Stone Age

May 23, 2024
April Price Coaching
Self Help in the Stone Age

Sometimes it can feel like your brain is the enemy, but there’s actually a really significant survival advantage for everything your brain does.

When humans first showed up on the scene, we had no camouflaged skin, no super hearing, we couldn’t fly or swim. We couldn’t see in the dark or breathe underwater. We didn’t have claws or huge teeth or thick fur. The only thing we had was a three-pound pile of flesh secretly stashed in our skulls and that one advantage that allowed us to survive and thrive on this planet.

Today on the podcast, I thought it would be fun to imagine what self-help might look like in the Stone Age to demonstrate why your brain does what it does and why it takes so much awareness, intention, and energy to try and think differently.

Your brain is a miracle. But it is also misinformed about what’s best for you and I hope today’s podcast will help you have a brand new appreciation for the way your brain works and feel much more empowered to redirect it.


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