Try Coaching for Yourself

Shortcuts to Feeling Better

Aug 18, 2022
April Price Coaching
Shortcuts to Feeling Better

Shortcuts to Feeling Better

Imperfect earth life means we’ll always face a certain level of opposition to what we want to do and how we want to feel. There will always be circumstances we’re facing or experiences in our lives we wish we could feel better about. But the way we think about these circumstances and experiences often make hard times feel even heavier than they have to be. 

From my own life and from my work as a life coach, I know that nothing outside us can really make us feel better - only our thoughts can do that.

But there are a few tools you can use to start shifting those thoughts so you can feel better faster, and that’s what I’m sharing with you today. 

Shortcut to feeling better number one: movement 

There are studies that have proven the benefits of movement, and one of these is increased blood flow to your brain. As soon as we start to exercise, the rate of blood flow and the amount of oxygen that we're delivering to our body is going to increase, and as the brain receives that increased blood flow and oxygen, it allows us to access different thoughts.

Shortcut number two: nature

I remember in March 2020, when everything shut down and there was so much fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. I remember being outside on my porch with the sun rising and the birds singing, and noticing the leaves on the trees. And I thought, “The world just keeps going”. It doesn't panic like our brains do. The sun rises and it sets and we are still here. There’s a certain amount of peace that nature offers in that way, to remind you that you’re alive. You are here. And you are not alone.

Shortcut number three: music

Rhythm is almost like a thought in and of itself. And when I hear it, I immediately feel either a positive or negative mood shift. Especially as I've been preparing for my endurance event, there are moments where I'm feeling discouraged and it's hard. And the right song or playlist can make all the difference. It quiets my negative mental chatter. It somehow offers a lightness and a joy. And then we can access more useful thoughts more easily. 

Shortcut number four: thought download

Write for 5 to 10 minutes and get all your thoughts out on paper. As you do this, you create a distinction between you and your brain. When we can get our thoughts on paper, we’re able to realize, “Oh, these are just words in my head.” We are not our thoughts. And we don’t have to believe any of them.

Shortcut number five: feel bad

Okay, okay, let me explain. Our instinct, when we feel bad or have negative emotion, is to resist it and to react to it and buffer it and try to get away from it. We try to ignore it, try to scroll social media or eat something or yell at someone, anything to get away from feeling bad. But the fastest way to feel better is to feel that feeling you’re avoiding. Process through it.

Shortcut number six: do a hard thing

You get to be proud of yourself no matter what you do. This tool isn’t for earning your love and positive emotion. But I find when I do hard things, whether that’s putting this podcast out, or making a post on Instagram, or doing one of my hikes, it's easier to access the thoughts that I want about myself. It’s as though doing a hard thing made the barrier to thinking those amazing thoughts about myself a little bit lower.

I just wanna remind you that you are a spiritual being that is put in a physical body and that the spiritual part of you is the chooser. It is the one that is choosing the thoughts. But we are also in a physical body having a physical experience, and we can use our physical body to change our state and see all the different shortcuts for feeling better.

Episode Transcript

Welcome to the 100% Awesome Podcast with April Price. You might not know it, but every result in your life is 100% because of the thought you think. And that, my friends, is 100% awesome.

Hello podcast universe welcome to episode 172 of the 100% Awesome Podcast. I'm April Price and I am kind of amazed at that number. I don't know why, but for some reason when I said 172, that sounded like a lot. That kind of amazes me that I have created 172 of these episodes. That is quite a library, and for just a minute, like, I'm going to be a little bit proud of that. That feels amazing, and I hope that you know how much I appreciate having you out there. I sometimes get kind of amazed and overwhelmed that you are out there listening, and I feel really, really blessed to have this platform and to have a relationship with each of you. And I really do feel like that. I feel like you are my friends and that we have a relationship. And, you know, when I was a kid, I just think about like how different the world was and how, you know, at that time I felt like the way that you have an impact in the world is through books, right? Like, I remember just like like hearing the thoughts of Dickens and Tolstoy and all of them, like through their books and how those ideas and thoughts like, like continued on after them because they were written down in books, you know, and I think there was a time when we were really limited in like how many people could hear our thoughts.

And now like, I just feel like it is really amazing that wherever you are in the world, I just, you know, open up this microphone, push record, and then my thoughts are recorded and passed on to so many people. And David was just saying the other night, like, oh, my goodness, did you realize, like, your grandkids are going to be able to hear your words in your thoughts? Anyway, we kind of live at an amazing time and I am so grateful to have this podcast in this platform. And if you have received some value here, if some of these thoughts have blessed your life, I would love for you to leave a review. Or even better, just share the podcast with a friend. Think I am so, so grateful to the people that shared podcasts with me that changed my life. In my case, I got a recommendation from a stranger on social media about the Life Coach School Podcast, and it changed my whole life, that one recommendation. So, I just want to offer that if this podcast has helped you, like pass it on someone, someone you may never know may use it to change their life and relieve, you know, their own suffering. And I just think in the world that we live in, our capacity for influence and good is magnified. And I really want to like just recommend that if it's been helpful to you that you pass it on.

Okay, so today's podcast is really fun, I'm excited about it and it's a little bit different because I'm going to be talking to you about your line. And the other day I was working on a project and I kept talking about the airline and my husband is like, I don't know what you're talking about, I don't know what you mean. And so, when I talk about the airline, I'm talking about our action line. And the airline is just coach speak or a shortcut for talking about the actions that we take in our lives. And if you have been here for very long, you know that my focus is usually on the t-line, on our thought line and the things that we think because the things we think, the thoughts in our head, that is the source of everything else, right?

Our brain takes in information in the world it sees things, hears things, it tastes things, it smells things, it touches things. It takes in all that information, and then our brain analyzes it, processes it, and creates thoughts about it. And those thoughts then are communicated to the rest of the body through our feelings, and those feelings drive our actions. That's the line, and then all of those actions produce the results of our lives. And so thoughts, of course, are the start of this, they're the source of everything else. From our thoughts come our feelings. From our feelings come our actions, from our actions come our results. And so, everything is flowing down from the thoughts we think. And so I spend a lot of time with my clients obviously on that t line because that's what's creating ultimately the lives we live. And I don't spend a lot of time talking about the airline, because for each person, everyone's airline is going to look different. Like when our thoughts, and feelings, are in alignment with the things we want to think and believe and the things we want to feel, then our actions are just going to automatically flow from that.

And by and large, we spend way too much time thinking about our alignment and thinking about our actions and thinking about what should I do here and what should I not do here? And try to analyze it from there when we really need to like back that up and look at the thoughts driving it. But today I wanted to kind of break from tradition here for a minute and spend this episode giving you a few A-line shortcuts to feeling better. So, of course, when we feel bad, those feelings are created by our thoughts, okay?

And that is not a problem, we don't have to feel good all of the time, but sometimes, like, we really do want to feel better, okay? And when we are having a hard time changing those thoughts in order to feel better, I find that there are some actions that we can take that can kind of give us a change in our state and help us to find different thoughts. These are actions that we can take that just kind of shake things up a bit, allow us a little bit of space, a little bit of energy to be able to access new thoughts. And in doing so, as we choose those new thoughts, we start to feel better.

So again, these activities, these things that I'm going to talk about today, these sort of shortcuts to feeling better, they themselves, in and of themselves are not going to make us feel better because it's always our thoughts that that are creating our feelings. But sometimes when things are heavy, our thoughts are sticky or heavy or dark or we're just feeling a lot of negative emotion and we can't, like, get a shift in our thoughts. And we have a hard time changing those thoughts. And like, it just feels like I can't even think positive thoughts at all. I find that these actions can just help us get into a different state, get into a different mindset, be able to generate a different kind of energy, and create a space for ourselves where we can more easily find the thoughts that will create different feelings for us.

Okay, so today I just want to give you six shortcuts, six actions that you can do to shake things up and allow yourself the space in your brain, the space to find and think new thoughts.

Okay, so the first thing that I want to recommend, that little shortcut into being able to change our thoughts is movement. And there are so many benefits to movement in our lives, but we often don't necessarily associate the power of movement with the power in changing our thoughts. But there are so many studies out there, of course, that talk about the benefits of movement, and some of these to your brain are an increased blood flow, and that as soon as we start to exercise the rate of blood flow and the amount of oxygen that we're delivering to our body is going to increase throughout our body, and that includes our brain. And as the brain receives that increased blood flow, that increased oxygen like it allows us to be able to like access different thoughts.

And I find it just so much easier to access my creativity, to generate new ideas, be able to create new thoughts for myself when I have a movement practice in my life, whether that's exercise or walking or like I was just thinking about my mom, she gets out in her garden and she's moving that earth and moving the soil. And as she does that, like, she receives that state change. So, not only do you have an increased blood flow, but there have been like numerous studies that show that movement and exercise can change the shape of your brain and it can alter the connections between neurons.

And in some studies that they've done with animals like exercise will actually double or triple the amount of new neurons that are born in the brain. And even like it's more than just adding those neurons and adding those cells, it's like increasing and like expediting how those cells are wired together and how the circuits and networks are, like maintained and taken care of over your life span, and all of that. All of those neural connections are enhanced by exercise, and it's like so many studies about that. And so, I just want to like recommend to you some sort of movement if you want sort of a state change. And it doesn't have to be really complicated, it doesn't have to be like a really big formal exercise program and like add something else to your life. But really just thinking about like if I'm having a hard time, like accessing the thoughts that I want and like feeling better, like I just ask yourself, how much have I moved today? And just taking a walk around the block, walk around your neighborhood can like create so many positive effects in being able to change that.

So, a few years ago, like I noticed that when I would go on walks, my mind would just be like stimulated with so many ideas for the podcast that I started to like that was part of my podcast prep. I said I would take a walk to, like generate the ideas and remember the stories. And something happens when you're doing like sort of an automatic activity, like walking where your brain doesn't have to think about it and is kind of on autopilot. Then as you do that, it can go back through your memory bank and pull out stories and pull out ideas and put things together in a way that like really helped me to be able to, like, generate a podcast and so much so that this summer, because it's really uncomfortable in Phoenix to walk outside during the summer, like really uncomfortable that this summer I just got like a little tiny, tiny walking treadmill for my office so that I could walk and generate ideas for my podcast, because, like, I just find that I'm so much more productive and the ideas come so much faster when I'm moving, okay?

So, I really just recommend the practice of moving like you are a physical being. You were, you know, you were a spirit child born into a physical body. But like that physical body like really needs to be moved and it feels better in a state of movement. I was just watching this show on Netflix called Alone. I don't know if you've seen it, but there's ten contestants and they're out in the wilderness and they have to survive. And whoever survives the longest, you know, wins the prize, wins the $500,000. But they're out there and they have no resources. They're all on their own. They have to figure out how to eat. They have to figure out shelter. They have to figure out everything. And, you know, one of the biggest challenges of that is being alone and getting, like, stuck in negative thinking and, you know, getting scared and starting to think like, oh, I'm never going to find food or I'm never going to get out of here, or I'm never like, you know, there's just so much mental, like, anguish that goes into it.

And like, I just noticed that a lot of them said that they would talk about how I need to be busy, I need to have a project, I need to be always working on something, working on a shelter or working on a fish trap or working on, you know, something else. And to be busy otherwise, it was really easy to get stuck in that negative thinking, okay. And to like get stuck in that loop where they just, like, felt like they, they just wanted to be home and they wanted to give up. And so, even though our brain is designed to conserve energy and not be moving, and in this case, like those contestants really needed to save their calories and they might have been better off just sitting and saving those calories because they weren't eating much like they found it was so much easier to maintain, like the mental positive attitude they needed to have when they were moving and when they were like busy with their hands when they were taking that movement.

So, you know, I just want to say also that, like, I really did start working out to change my body. Like that's why I started working out and that was my intention. But I keep working out to change my brain, like yes, the benefits to my body are awesome. I love being stronger, I love having less pain, I love like all of that. I love the accomplishment that I get when I work out. But what I love the most is the change in my brain. Every single day that I get up, my brain is like offering me overwhelming anxiety and inadequacy and and like, just like a whole bunch of, like, I'm negative cocktail every single morning when I get up and I just get out there and I get moving and I do that exercise and I feel so much better. I'm able to shift into a different mindset through that movement. And so, I just really want to recommend it to you. And I really also want to say like, don't make it hard, make it as simple and easy as possible to get some movement and to just get that little change in your state so that you can access different thoughts. And that's what happens to me, like after the workout, like I have so much more access somehow to more positive thoughts and the thoughts that I want to think to be like powering my life. All right. Sorry, that was a little long, but I'm a big fan of movement and I want to recommend it to you.
Okay, number two is nature. So, being out in nature is a shortcut to accessing different thoughts. And I think it's just really one of those, like in our modern world, we sometimes forget the power of just being outside and and being in nature. So, I noticed during the pandemic, like I remember in March in 2020, when everything shut down and there was so much fear and so much anxiety and so much unknown, so much uncertainty. And I remember sitting out on the porch one day like my kids were coming home from college, like nobody knew what was going to happen. Ethan was home from school. Yeah, it was just so much unknown. And I remember being outside on my porch and like, the sun was rising and the birds were singing and like, you know, they were chirping the leaves were on the trees. And I was like the world, just keeps going. Like, no matter how dire my brain thinks things are, like nature just keeps going. It doesn't panic the sunrises and it sets and it just keeps going.

And we are still here. And I just think there's a certain amount of like a peace in knowing that like everything is just working according to plan, that that nature isn't panicking, that it just is, is continuing forward. And it reminds you of like being outside, being in nature, mind you, that you are alive, that you are still here. Like your brain is just always panicked right then like we're going to die, but here we are. And the sun has come up again, right? And like all that disaster and catastrophe inside your head is just that. It is inside your head. But, you know, like you are still here, you are still alive. You are okay in every present moment, you are okay. And that's what it reminds me of in nature. It also reminds me that I am not alone, right? That the plan of God is bigger than just me and that I'm not in charge of it. And it just helps me relax and recognize, like, listen, everything is in control by someone who who has so much more power and knowledge than me, and I can just trust in that.

The other thing that I need to remind you of is that all things change and nothing ever stays the same and things shift, seasons change, it gets lighter, it gets darker over a week or over a month. And like things change, the moon changes. And I know that sounds kind of obvious, but when things are hard and you're feeling so much negative, emotion is just so powerful. To have that constant reminder that, hey, things change. This too will pass this hard thing.

This winter will eventually turn into spring and nothing lasts forever. And so, as hard as things are, like if you're in that place where it just feels like I'm never going to be happy again, I'm never going to feel good again. Being out in nature reminds you like, of course, things always change, things are always in process and they won't stay the same. And even this negative moment won't last forever. We were just up in Utah and we went to like an outdoor theater and to get to it, we went up the Alpine Loop, which is like my husband's favorite drive ever.

Every time we go to Utah, it doesn't matter how long you like, we have to do the Alpine loop. And he drives up this canyon and it's a beautiful drive. But as we were driving up there this time, like everything was so green, right? And the leaves were so green. And usually we do that drive in the fall. And I was like, Oh yeah, like it's not always fall of here. It is summer up here sometimes too. And it's spring and it's winter and it's all the things. And so like, it's just a really good reminder that you are okay, that you are held, you know, by a power much, much greater than you. And wherever you are, things will change. And I think that can really just give you a shift. You know, just like every I haven't done that much in the summer, I will admit. But I like to eat my lunch outside every day just because it gives me that like, shift in my brain. And I just get like a little moment to shake my brain up, to change my state and to, like, allow myself the opportunity to think new thoughts. And so, yeah, get outside.

The third thing that you can do that can really create a space where you can access new thoughts is listen to some music.

So, we have probably all had the experience of having like an immediate mood shift when we hear a piece of music. Like, it's always amazing to me how music is like a thought in and of itself, right? Like that rhythm is almost like a thought in and of itself. And when I hear it, like I almost immediately can get a mood shift either into positive or negative. Now, of course, there's a thought in there somewhere, right, that is creating that, but it feels like really connected. And so, you know, I know I talk a lot on this podcast about really working on our thoughts and choosing our thoughts and be intentional about that and like choosing the thoughts we want to feel the way we want. But listen, I am not opposed to getting some help, right? I am not opposed to a shortcut or like a boost right into those thoughts. And sometimes music is just a really fast shortcut. You turn on some music and change your state and be able to access a more positive thoughts. I have just had so much help with music on the treadmill as I've been preparing for my endurance event.

Like, there are just moments where I'm just like, you know, in it and discouraged and it's hard. And my brain is just like giving me so much feedback about giving up and about quitting and about how hard it is and how it shouldn't hurt. And, and like, I'm just in that kind of like mental war on the treadmill. And a new song will come on a new be a new like rhythm and, you know, a new voice. And suddenly I will I'll be able to shift into a different thought and be like, No, I can do this. I've got this. And it's just like, so listen, using what you have, use your resources. It doesn't have to be all you and all mental work sometimes. Like we just need a little help, a little boost from an outside source and music can do that for us. Recently, when my son left on his mission, it was a day or two after we sent him off. I was feeling sad and I for some reason I just decided like, I'm. I,

I'm going to make these apple muffins and like, listen, you guys, I have not really cooked or baked in like a really long time. I only do it when I absolutely have to. I just don't spend my energy doing that very much anymore. Anyway, this one morning, Friday morning, I was just like, you know, I just need to, you know, do something just for the enjoyment of it. I decided to make these apple muffins, and I. I turned on Spotify playlists, and I was there in the kitchen listening to music and making this muffins just because I just wanted to feel better. And David came in and he was like, What is happening in here? Like, it was just like, Are you okay? Because it was so out of characteristic for me to be like in the morning. Like, I think I'm going to bake right and turn the music on. And anyway, it was one of those moments where I just remembered like, how good music can make you feel even when you know you have a lot of sad thoughts. And so David and I actually have started turning on music more and more just in the house for that reason. So anyway, I just want to remind you, like, yes, your thoughts are creating your feelings, but like you can take a shortcut and, and put on some music and be able to access some some new thoughts a little bit easier.

Okay, so the next thing that I want to offer you that just helps you to like have a quick access into different thoughts is a thought download. And I've talked about these before on the podcast, but I think it's probably been a while. A thought download is simply just getting your thoughts out on paper and just like letting yourself write for five or 10 minutes. Just everything that's in your head, get it out on paper. And I know that doesn't sound like much. I know that it sounds like unimportant or unhelpful, even just like, well, how's that going to help? But what happens as you get your thoughts on paper is you create a distinction between you and your brain. Like sometimes when we're thinking thoughts, it feels like us. It feels like like all of this is just us. And we are like one with the experience. And as soon as. We can get our thoughts on paper. We're able to see like, Oh, these are just words in my head. These are just sentences in my head. They aren't me. Like, here I am observing them. I'm writing the thoughts down so they aren't me. And that distinction, that separation between you and your thoughts is so helpful in being able to like, give you a space where you can then access new thoughts.

So, not only do you get that distinction, which I think gives you so much relief, like I love to get my thoughts outside of me on paper. It's like, okay, these are just words and I don't have to believe any of them, and that feels so good. But the other thing that happens so amazing to me is as soon as I get those thoughts on paper, I look at them and I'm like, Oh my goodness, no wonder I feel terrible. It's just like. It's just like, so validating. Like, I sometimes, like, when I'm feeling bad and I'm having a lot of negative emotion, I just, like, sort of mad at myself, like, oh my gosh, why am I feeling this way? This is ridiculous. I need to feel better. Why do I feel so bad? As soon as I get those thoughts on paper, I'm like, Oh my goodness, no wonder I feel so bad. It makes so much sense. I have these words, no wonder I feel anxiety. These words are no wonder. I feel overwhelmed and it just makes all my feelings make sense. I'm like, Of course I feel bad because my brain is offering me these thoughts and that gives you so much relief. It just makes your feelings make sense. And also it gives you that moment where you recognize, like, if I change any one of these sentences, I am going to feel better.

And so, it's a real shortcut into like being able to decide what new thoughts you want to think. You're able to see what you are thinking now, the feelings that's creating, and that opens up a space for you where you can choose something else. And so I also just want to offer to you that like when you do that, you only need to make small shifts. You don't have to change every thought in that paper. You just pick one and and change it a question it think about it a little bit differently and you will feel better.

You'll get that shift. And those tiny shifts can make a really big difference in your feelings and also in the actions that you take that day. Okay so, what's really happening there is that thought download is allowing you to stop like over identifying with your experience. Like when you're feeling bad and you're in the middle of it, it just feels like you and that you've always felt this bad and you're always going to feel this bad. And this is just you, right? Feels like you and the experience are the same thing. And this just allows you to stop over identifying with the experience, stop over identifying with how you feel and recognize like, Oh, these are just sentences given to me by my brain and at any time I could change them if I want and it's really powerful way to get that shift.

The next thing I want to offer that is a shortcut to feeling better is to feel bad like and and I know this is like, let me explain. Okay, so our instinct when we feel bad, when we have negative emotion, is to resist that and to react to that and buffer it and try to get away from it, right? Like we try to ignore it, try to scroll social media or eat something or yell at someone, right? Like we're trying to escape that feeling bad and that makes sense because that's where our brain gives us those feelings in the first place. It wants us to avoid whatever it is we're doing, and that's why it's providing those negative emotions. But can I just recommend that the fastest way to feel better is to allow yourself to feel bad, to stop resisting those emotions and just drop into the feeling process, the feeling get in your body physically and notice. How does this feeling feel like? Whatever negative emotion you're feeling, how does it feel physically in your body? Where is it? Is it in your chest? Is it in your belly? Is it in your shoulders? What does that vibration feel like? Is it moving? Is it still is it hard or is it soft? Is it fast or slow? Is it hot or cold? Like describe the actual physical sensation of that feeling to yourself in your body.

And if you will allow yourself to have the physical experience of feeling, the feeling you will pop out on the other side of it so much faster. So, sometimes I will like notice that I have been feeling, let's say, overwhelmed all day long. It's like all day long, this feeling of overwhelm was chasing me. And all day long I was like pushing it away. In reality, I didn't spend all day feeling overwhelmed. What I did was spend all day trying not to feel overwhelmed, pushing it away, holding it at bay, like holding it off with one hand and trying to do my work, but like keeping the feeling outside of me. And instead, if I would simply, like, drop into my body and be like, okay, let's feel some overwhelm. Figure out where it is. Oh, it's hot in my chest. On that right side. And, like, process that emotion. Then the overwhelm is done, I've processed it and I'm through it. I'm to the other side and on the other side I can access so many other thoughts. So last Saturday, my coach gave me as part of our training plan, I had to do three climbs in one day and they were like, Separate it out.

So, we're like kind of simulate like climbing all day, right? So that I can get ready for my race. And as I was on my way to the gym, the third climb, David said, you know how you feeling? And I was like, I am so scared, right? I was like, I'm terrified. And I remember thinking like, That is so stupid. You don't have to be scared. It's just a treadmill. What's the worst that could happen? Right? But like, I just couldn't shake it. And finally, like, I'm on the way there to the gym and I'm just like, okay, let's just drop in our body. Let's just feel scared. Let's just feel terrified. Like, where is that? Right. And I can feel this, like, cold column that was like going from, like, the top of my neck all the way down the bottom of my belly. And just like this cold shaft of fear. Right. And as I process that and like felt that like as soon as I like explore that, described it to myself, trapped in my body, felt that feeling.

After that I was like, hey, you got this. You've already done two of these. You just have one more. And it was like, Oh yeah, but those thoughts, those positive thoughts you've got this were only available to me on the other side of feeling the feeling. So, I just want to recommend a shortcut to feeling better is to actually feel bad, to process the emotion, to get in your body and feel it. And after you process through it, you it's so much easier to access different thoughts. Like before we've processed it, your brain keeps sending the the old negative thoughts because it thinks you don't know. You don't know that you're supposed to be scared. You don't know that there's something dangerous there. So, it keeps sending it. As soon as you process it, your brain's like, okay, she got the message. We can stop sending fear. She understands she's in danger, right? And so it's really just like such a quick shortcut to feeling better and to be able to, like, access new thoughts on the other side of it. Okay. And then finally, the last thing that I want to offer you here at the end is the power of doing hard things as a shortcut to feeling better.

Like I've just noticed lately, when you feel proud and when you feel confident and when you feel capable, it is just a powerful antidote to the negative story of your brain, to that negative story that like you're no good, that you're not enough. And I really want you to be able to tap into that feeling as often as possible, that feeling of pride. And I find that doing hard things is a shortcut to that feeling right now. Of course, that's because after I've done the hard thing right, it's really easy to access positive thoughts about myself. And I don't ever want you to feel like I have to do hard things to earn my own respect or earn my love or earn my pride like you can to be proud of yourself. No matter what you do, you get to love yourself no matter what you do. And I don't want you to use this tool to try to, like, earn your love and earn your positive emotion. But we sometimes just need a little state change to allow ourselves to access, like the positive thoughts about ourselves, shake things up and see ourselves differently. And every time I do hard things like I'm reminded and I see myself in a different way, I'm reminded about the thoughts I want to have about myself.

And I find when I do hard things, whatever that is, putting this podcast out or making a post on Instagram or doing one of my hikes like I find it's just easier to access those thoughts that I want about myself. Like the barrier to thinking those amazing thoughts about myself is a little bit lower and it allows me more access to those positive, loving thoughts I want. Now, of course, they are always a choice. But, you know, doing a hard thing first thing in the morning, I think is like a real shortcut to being able to access more of those positive thoughts about you all day long.

Okay, so that's what I have for you. I hope that that has been helpful. I just want to remind you that we are physical beings, right? We are a spiritual being that is put in a physical body. And that spiritual being, the spiritual part of us is the chooser. It is the one that is choosing the thoughts. But we are also in a physical body, having a physical experience, and we can use our physical body to create an environment and that change in our state that allows us to like see all the different options there are to think and to choose a different way of thinking that that can change the way we feel. So move, get outside, use music, use thought downloads, feel and process your feelings, you know, in your physical body and do hard things. Do something that your brain says is too hard and too scary. I think all of these things are really quick, easy ways to be able to shake things up and give your brain like the space to make a different choice. And that, my friend, is 100% awesome. I love you for listening, and I'll see you next week.

Thanks so much for joining me on the podcast today. If you want to take the things I've talked about and apply them in your life so that you can love your Earth life experience. Sign up for a free coaching session at This is where the real magic happens and your life starts to change forever. As your coach, I'll show you that believing your life is 100% awesome is totally available to every one of us. The way things are is not the way things have to stay. And that, my friends is 100% awesome!

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