The Secret to the Perfect Valentine's Day

love Feb 14, 2019
There are always a lot of expectations around Valentine's Day...which often leads straight into disappointment.  But it doesn't have to be this way!  Today, I'm going to tell you the secret to the perfect Valentine's Day.
First:  Love isn’t something that other people give us...LOVE IS A GIFT YOU GIVE YOURSELF.  Wait, what?!
Remember that love is a feeling and we’ve all learned by now that our feelings are only created by our thoughts.  When we think a thought and then feel a feeling, we are the only one who feels that feeling.  As surprising as this sounds, the same is true with LOVE.  When you feel love for others, YOU are the one who feels it and love always feels AMAZING!
When you choose to think about the people in your life with love and compassion, you feel good and you show up differently around them.  You show up as your most authentic self when you feel love.  When we act from that place of authenticity and love, everything we do creates the kind of results we want in our lives.
Last Sunday night I was able to hear President Russell M. Nelson of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints speak at a meeting with his wife, Wendy.  Wendy Nelson told the audience that President Nelson is becoming more and more his real self every day.  I think that’s because he is full of love and that love is a result of what he thinks about God and what he thinks about us.  He is becoming his best self through love.  
The more we choose loving thoughts about the people in our lives, regardless of their behavior or actions, the better we feel.  Something I like to remind myself is “love is always an option,” meaning that no matter what the circumstances are or how others might act, I always get to choose how to feel…and as long as I’m choosing, love feels better than anything else.
So on Valentine’s Day, the amount of love you feel will be a direct result of your own thoughts about others.  Think of all the ways you love the people in your life…even the “difficult” ones…and see how AMAZING that feels!
I love you all!

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