Try Coaching for Yourself

You Aren’t Failing

Sep 28, 2023
April Price Coaching
You Aren’t Failing

One of the things that can keep us stuck, discouraged and not pursuing our dreams is the fear of failure. 

I recently spoke with a group of high school seniors, and I asked them what they were worried about as they looked ahead to the next five to ten years of their lives. The overwhelming response was failing, getting it wrong. 

And I know this is true for a lot of us.


Why Are We So Afraid of Failing?

It’s easy to be scared of failure because almost every day our brain points out the ways that it sees us failing. Our brains are good at noticing where we aren’t measuring up, where we’re falling behind, and where we’ve failed to meet our own expectations—and it feels terrible.

But it wasn’t always this way. When you were a child, everything was new. You didn’t yet have the idea that you had to be good at everything. Failure was built into learning, and it was just normal. 

As you grew older and more aware of the expectations put on you by yourself and others, you likely started to experience a fear of failure in certain areas of your life. 

And while fear on its own isn’t a problem, it’s often accompanied by shame that can stop us from trying. It limits our experiences, our choices and what we believe is possible for ourselves. 


Reframing Failure

Today, I invite you to think about failure differently. What if you can’t fail? What if there’s actually no such thing? 

I’m sharing three recent stories about failure from my own life and how these experiences have changed the way I think about failing. When you change the way you see your “failures” it will improve your turnaround time, sweeten your relationship with yourself, and increase your desire to keep going.

Through these stories, I hope you’ll see how I was able to be intentional with my thoughts about myself and my “failures”, instead of just accepting the story of shame. Try these different approaches to thinking about failure, and see which is most useful for you.


Coming In Last Place

In my recent SwimRun endurance event, my son and I came in last place. We were the very last team in the race, and everyone was waiting for us - the kayakers keeping an eye on swimmers, the volunteers at the water stations, the clean up crew. 

My brain made this a big problem, and I felt like a failure. 

The funny thing is that through all the training, my goal was simply to finish the course. I didn’t care where I placed or how long it took. Just finishing would be the win. 

Given that goal, the event was a success. But it didn’t feel that way. 

When we crossed the finish line, my brain wanted me to be embarrassed and ashamed. It tried to tell me that I was the worst SwimRunner in history. 

We’re conditioned to think that failure means we’re inferior in some way. Failure becomes about us ranking ourselves in relation to others, and this causes our worth or value as humans to get all tangled up in it. 

Our brain tells us that if we fail, we’re a worse person, and there is something wrong with us. 

Talk about pressure! No wonder we don’t want to fail at things when it feels like there is so much at stake. 

Crossing that finish line (and my placement in the race) does nothing to my value as a human. It was only a measure of my particular skill at swimming or running on that particular day and course. I can use this information to decide I’m inferior and never try again, or I can use it as information to keep learning and improving on that skill. 

When your brain tells you that you failed, ask yourself…

  • Did I make myself inferior or wrong in some way because I was learning something new?
  • Was I failing, or was I learning?

Thought shift: You either get the result you want or you get the lesson you need. Failure doesn’t actually exist.


Why Change Does Not Equal Failure

While training for the SwimRun event, I did a lot of (you guessed it!) swimming and running. So when the event was over, and I went back to weight training at the gym, I found that I was much weaker than I was before I began my SwimRun training.

My brain, of course, told me that I’m so far from where I used to be, so I’m definitely failing. 

In fact, all that has happened is that my body composition changed. I can lift a little bit less, but my cardio ability has increased. My brain interpreted these changes as failure. 

Maybe your brain does the same thing. It tells you that if you aren’t doing everything “right” and at the same level you once did, that you are failing. 

As humans, there are many areas of our life that we’re trying to take care of, like our physical health, spirituality, finances, careers, relationships and personal goals. 

We can’t give everything our full attention all the time, so we focus on different goals and priorities in different seasons of life. 

When we shift our focus from one goal to another, our brain wants to say it’s a failure. But I think this is a lie. There is no finish line. Life is a cyclical, ever-changing process.

Just as trees shift where they focus their energy and nutrients from season to season, humans must shift our priorities to allow ourselves to regenerate, breathe and grow. 

Thought shift: You were never intended to do all of the things perfectly, all of the time. You are a living creature with rhythms and cycles, limited time, energy and resources.


Is It a Failure or a Truimph?

I recently realized that I wasn’t as happy in my business as I used to be. As my business has grown and evolved, I’ve found myself doing more of the things I don’t really like doing and less of the parts that I love. 

I got into this business because I love actually coaching people and using my skills and talents in this way. But as time went by, I was spending less time with clients and more time marketing, strategizing and advertising. 

I could see that what I really wanted to do was go back and focus on one-on-one coaching, having those deep conversations with my clients. 

I didn’t want the biggest coaching business in the industry. I wanted my coaching business with my clients. 

Even though I was clear on what I wanted, making the change felt like a failure. It felt like changing my mind and pivoting was letting myself and others down and giving up on my plan and goals for the year. 

Sometimes, we pursue goals and then find out that it isn’t what we want. But we tell ourselves that we should have known, we can’t quit, we’re not allowed to change our minds. 

But how do we really know until we try? We don't know everything going in, and we're not supposed to. Courageously trying anyway is the real triumph.

Thought shift: Changing your mind is not a failure, but simply coming to the end of that particular triumph. 


Remember, you aren’t failing. You are learning. You are a living human being who's always in process, one triumph after another. 


You’ll Learn:

  • Why I almost didn’t record this episode
  • Kobe Bryant’s thoughts on failure
  • Why you can never really move backwards
  • How to be brave and trust yourself


Welcome to the 100% Awesome Podcast with April Price. You might not know it, but every result in your life is 100% because of the thought you think. And that, my friends, is 100% awesome.

Hello Podcast Universe! Welcome to episode 230 of the 100% Awesome Podcast. I'm April Price, I'm so happy to be with you today. And I don't know what it's like where you are, but right now this morning as I went to the gym, there was just the very slightest cooling in the air today and I can feel the change out there. It's so fun for me. And I just keep thinking like, oh my gosh, it's only going to get better. It's only going to get better from here on out. So, I hope things are nice where you are as well. Before we get started, I just wanted to let all of you know that I recently adjusted my coaching program and change the coaching club so that it now is just exclusively one on one coaching. And that means it'll just be you and me coaching together on whatever it is that you're working on in your life and I do have a few open spots.

You can email me if you are interested in coaching with me right now. You can email me at Aprilpricecoaching I will also put a link in the show notes and you can also just go to my website, April Price Coaching or sign up for a call or to find out more about what it looks like to work with me. So, I have a couple of open spots right now. And if you have been thinking about, I'd really like to get some coaching, I'd really like to work with April, now's the time. I have a couple of spots!

Okay well, last night I had the opportunity to talk to a group of high school seniors about emotional resilience and teach them some of the things that I've learned about emotional resilience. And it was it was really, really awesome, actually. And we started that night by kind of just talking about the things that they were worried about. And I just kind of asked them, like, as you look forward in the next, you know, 5 to 10 years of your life, you know, what are you worried about? What is you know, what are you stressed about? What are you worried about in your life? And one of the things that I heard from a few of them, actually, is that they were worried about failing and worried about like getting it wrong and failing at all the things that, you know, they need to do in their lives.

And they talked about how there's just so many people in their lives that have expectations for them and they have their own expectations and they really don't want to fail at everything that's coming up, right? And I thought a lot about that as I was driving home from this meeting. And I just thought about how much this fear of failure, like, I think it's just so much less for us as children, right? When we're children, everything is new and we don't yet have this idea that we're supposed to be good at everything, right? And so, as we learned to ride a bike or ride roller skates or do multiplication tables. Like there's just a lot of failure built in, but none of that is a problem. But as we get older, we become a teenager, a young adult. And then for all of us as adults now, that fear of failure, of doing it wrong, of not being good at something, is a very real concern, right? We're scared to fail and in turn, that makes us scared to try. And in a lot of ways, that fear of failure really limits how many things we try, limits the experiences we have, limits our choices limits what we tell ourselves that that we can do or have or be because we are so scared to fail.

And so today I wanted to give you a few different ways to think about failure and kind of reframe it for you so that you can be braver and do more of the things that you want to do, things that that you wanted to do but maybe you've been scared to do. And I'm also hoping that as we reframe this, it will give you the permission to be kinder to yourself when things don't go the way that you want and your brain is telling you that you have failed. So, I'm going to do this today by sharing three recent stories of my own failures.

Okay? So, like, believe me, I have tried to talk myself out of sharing these many times. My brain is like, No one needs to know this. No one needs to know that you're a failure, right? It'd be really better if they just, like, lived under the delusion that everything went went great for you. Right? But notice that, like, what is getting in the way there of just really wanting to share and be honest? Is this feeling of shame, Right? Again, this idea that I shouldn't have failure, I should be good at everything, that I should never not meet my own expectations and that shame really is the problem with failure. Like failure in and of itself is not a problem, but it's always the shame we feel for doing it that becomes problematic. And you know that shame is so unnecessary. Shame is never necessary. And I think even worse when it stops us from trying again, shame shuts us down. It tells us that we don't have any business even trying, that there's something wrong with us, that that we're different. We're just bad at things. We can't have what other people have. And that, like, it's easy for other people.

Other people can be successful. But, you know, we are just doomed to failure and that makes us not want to try and it makes us want to give up when things don't go as we expect them to. So. Now, before I share these experiences, the first thing that I want you to notice as I share them is that they are only failures because my brain says they are. So, as I was preparing my notes for today and kind of like writing these things down for the first time, I thought to myself, like, maybe other people won't think these are failures.
And for the first time, it kind of occurred to me it was like, maybe they're not failures, right? Like maybe they're only failures because my brain says they are and my brain is making me feel ashamed about them. Like my brain has just labeled them for sure as failures. And then I didn't ever question it until today where I was like, Wait, maybe they're not. And I just want to remember that that is true for your failures as well. It's just an interpretation. Like it's not irrefutably true that you have failed.

And just like you might not see what I'm going to talk about as quote unquote, real failures, I want you to know that the same thing is true for you. Your so-called failures are only failures because your brain has said they are. It's just an interpretation. And in so many ways, your brain, just like my brain, is now making you wrong for them and shaming you just because it decided that that was a failure. Okay, and maybe, just maybe, you are wrong about that. And so, that's kind of like just the first shift I want to offer you that maybe this thing that my brain is calling a failure actually isn't right. Maybe I am wrong about that. And even if it was a failure, like even if we could prove empirically or factually that it was indeed a failure, again, the only real problem that that has happened that we've done that is because of our shame about it. Like what we make it mean about us that we shouldn't have failed, that it means something terrible about us as a person.

That is the worst part of failure, not the failure itself. Okay, so I'm going to share these three experiences, and I just want to show you how I have really worked intentionally at deciding how I'm going to think about myself and how I'm going to think about my failures going forward, because I don't want to accept this story of shame. And in each one, I kind of have like a sort of different approach at looking at and thinking about the failure. And I hope that you'll see through each one that there are lots of ways to think about your failures and reframe it in a way that is useful to you. And I hope that, like my experiences, will give you some ideas about how to reframe yours. And I hope that by sharing this, you'll just offer yourself some grace and decide like, How do I want to think about this and how do I want to think about myself?

Okay, so my brain's first story of failure is in my recent swim run. So, I think I mentioned this on the podcast when we competed in this event. We came in last place, right? So, when you compete in the swim run, there's a long course and there's a short course and we were competing in the long course and we came in very last place, have everyone that whole day, of course, because the short course finished hours before the long course, but also very last in the long course. And it was one of those things where like kind of everybody that was running the event was like waiting for us to cross the finish line so that they could clean up and go home during the course. There's like these kayakers out in the water that are kind of spotting people and trying to like, keep everybody safe. And there are people that are like where you get out of the water. They're kind of standing there with like the water and the electrolytes and they're just kind of like there to support you in the race. And I noticed like basically like there are all these kayakers and all of these like, helpers out on the trail.

They're just like waiting for us, right? And the the guys in the kayak, they're just kind of like slowly, like rowing behind us because like, we're bringing up the tail end, right? And like, everybody's just waiting to get on with their life for us to finish this event. And to be honest, my brain really made that a problem, really made me feel like a failure. And what's interesting is that all through training, I kept telling myself that I just wanted to finish that It didn't matter where I placed. It didn't matter if I was slow, it didn't matter, You know what happened. I just wanted to finish. And that finish would finishing would be the win, right? So technically, right given my goals and my expectations, this event was a success because I did finish, but it didn't matter when it came down to it for my brain. Like when we came across that finish line, my brain wanted to count it as a failure and wanted to me to be embarrassed about it and ashamed about it.

And my brain wanted to say, like you for sure are the worst swim runner out there. You are the worst swim runner in history. Right. And here's the most important part that I want you to notice. That being the worst swim runner on the course somehow makes me inferior in some way. And in fact, like when I told people that we came in last. Right. A lot of well-meaning people said, well, hey, you were the last one out there. But there were a lot of people who weren't even on the course.

So, you did better than them, right? And notice what they were saying inadvertently. I'm offering them this story that I'm inferior and they're like, Well, you might be inferior, right? But you're superior to everybody who didn't race, right? And I just think that's so interesting, right? Like we are conditioned to think that failure means we're inferior in some way. And so, people trying to, like, comfort me and make me feel better, We're like, Hey, you're not inferior, actually superior, right? And it's just so interesting to me that failure becomes about ranking ourselves and my inferior for losing. Am I superior for competing at all? Like what are you? Right? Like our brain is trying to decide are you an inferior person or you are superior person? And it's trying to make that decision based on how we perform, based on what we do. And this is one of the reasons that failure feels so bad, because our worth and value are inferiority or superiority as a human starts to get tangled up in it. And remember, like what's happening is we're trying to base our inferior or superiority, our level of being a human.

We're trying to measure that based on what we do. We're trying to use our success or failure to tell us if we are a better or worse person. And when we fail at doing something, we make it mean that we are a failure, that we are inferior, that there is something wrong with us. And just notice how much pressure that is. Like, No wonder we don't want to fail at things. No wonder we don't want to try, right? Just in case we might fail. Like there's a lot at stake here. And what I want you to notice is that when you come across the line at the end of the race. Like my value doesn't change, doesn't go up or down when you cross the finish line of that race has nothing to do with my personal inferiority or superiority or value as a human being. All that was was a measure of my particular skill level at swimming and running on that particular day, on that particular course with those particular competitors. That's all it shows me. And I can use that fact of my particular skill level in that moment against myself and never try again.

Or I can use that as information and I can keep going and trying and improving if I want to improve that skill. So, when we were there, one of the teams that was competing there was called the Water Buffaloes. They were really kind to us and really nice to us because they've done a lot of these events and this was our first event and, you know, they were really encouraging of us. Anyway, the other day I was looking at a post by by the water buffaloes on Instagram and they were saying like, Oh, we just competed at the Mackinaw Swim Run and we finished with a 407. And my, my brain was like 407. Like that was like two hours faster than me, right? Like, I was just like, amazed by that time. And then I noticed something in the post and in the comments after they said, we finished with a 407, they said that was a 45 minute drop in time from last year. And they felt so proud of that, that they had improved their transitions and they had improved their speed. What they were noticing, what they were pointing out was it was a 45 minute drop in the time for them last year on that course.

And when I read that, I just realized, oh my gosh, they're just competing with themselves. They're just noticing their skill level at this course last year and noticing, look at that, we improved. Now, be careful here, because even just improving your time doesn't make you superior and not improving your time won't make you inferior. It's just noticing like, why am I doing it? Am I trying to validate myself as a human or am I trying to get better at this particular skill? Never let your performance ever in any area say anything about your value. Never let your performance in anything ever make you inferior or superior. Like the things we do just don't have the power to change our value. And that kind of pressure where your value as a human is on the line every time you try to do something. That's what keeps us from trying lots of the things that we want to do. I heard an interview once with Kobe Bryant, and in the interview, the person who was talking to him said, Are you the kind of athlete who loves to win or are you the kind of athlete that hates to lose? Like, as you're out there and you're creating these championships and winning these games, are you motivated by the love to win or are you motivated by like the fear of losing and hating to lose?

And he said neither. He said, I play to figure things out, to learn something. Like he simply motivated by learning. And this is one of the gifts of your life, the chance to learn things. And here's the thing. You can't fail when you're learning. Just like when you were a child, you weren't failing. You were learning. And so as you go throughout your life and your brain wants to label things as failure, I want you to ask yourself, am I failing or am I learning? And what did I learn? In my swimming, I learned skills, right? I learned how to run more than five minutes long. I learned how to swim. I learned how to transition. I learned all of those kind of just like physical skills. I learned to overcome my brain. I learned what I like and what I enjoy. I learned what I'm capable of. Like there are so many things to learn, right? So the reframe that I want to give you when your brain tells you that you failed is to notice first, did I make myself inferior in any way because I was learning something? Did I make myself wrong and really refuse to do that? Refuse to use the things you do as a way to rank yourself and then ask yourself the question was I failing or was I learning and what did I learn?

Because as Kobe Bryant went on to say in that interview, he's like, failure doesn't exist, right? It just doesn't even exist. I'm just learning things. I'm just figuring things out. And so you either get the result you want or you get the lesson you need. Failure doesn't actually exist. And when you don't make yourself inferior for learning, then you can just keep learning. Okay. The second experience that I've had recently, or kind of like what my brain is telling me has been a big failure, is that last month, as the swim run ended, you know, I switched up my training in the gym and I went from doing all this cardio and all this running and all this swimming.

And I went back to weight training at the gym and I found that like, I was so much weaker than I was before my swim run training, right? So, I kind of I have an app that keeps a record of all my my lifts and my strength. And like in a lot of my lifts, I was lifting like 50, 60, 70% of what I used to be able to lift, right? Like I went down in all of them, but some of them by like 50%. Right? And that's been like so humbling. And my brain really wants to be like, Oh my gosh, you are failing. You are so far from where you were, you are failing. You used to be here, now you're here. You are definitely failing. And I just want you to notice that none of what has happened inside my body is about failure. All that has happened is my body composition has changed, right? I weigh a little bit more. I can lift a little bit less. And I also have an increased cardio ability. I can run longer without any strain or difficulty in my lungs or my leg muscles.
Like I can just keep going. But in that body composition changes. My brain is just pointing out that because my body has changed, I have failed in some way. Now. This might just be my brain, but just in general, my brain likes to tell me that I'm failing a lot. And if I'm not doing everything right and at the same level that I could once do them, then for sure I'm failing.

And I suspect that a lot of your brains do this. And that's that's why I'm bringing up. But like, I just as a human, there's lots to do, right? We have all these things. We have all these areas of our life that we're trying to take care of. We're trying to take care of our physical health and our spirituality and our finances and then our personal goals and dreams and our careers and our businesses and our relationships and like we're trying to keep all these things like at optimum levels, right? When they are always actually changing, we're not going to get to a finish line on any of them. And they're always changing. And there are seasons where different goals and different priorities and different objectives get our time and attention and focus. And when that happens, we have to necessarily take our focus off other things. And my brain and maybe your brain wants to say that's a failure, but I don't think it is. I think that's a lie. I think it's a lie that makes me feel really bad a lot of the time. This lie that we should be able to do all the things at the highest level all the time.

And if we can't, then we're failing. And the reframe that I want to give you on this is to see your life less in terms of finish lines and see it more in terms of a cyclical ever changing process. Everything is always in process. There isn't an arrival and nothing will ever stay the same. So, with the seasons changing, of course, like my mind has just been thinking about like the changes in the earth that are happening all the time, day to day, moment to moment, right? And like I've just been thinking about trees, like the leaves don't really change where I am. But I know they change where a lot of you are. And you know, when the seasons change and the leaves change color and they fall off the tree and the tree is bare, the trees are not failing. Right? The trees are still living and they are cycling one, to protect themselves and to give attention to different priorities.

Like if the tree just stayed the same and didn't like adjust its priorities, then when like all of that water that's going through the trees, that's feeding those leaves, when winter comes, that water would freeze the water inside those cells and burst them and the tree would die. But instead, what happens on a cellular level is the trees change their cellular structure and the water gets thicker and, you know, it creates SAP. And those cellular structures change so that the water can't move them through them at such high volumes and at such high speed so that the liquid inside the tree doesn't freeze and kill the tree.

And at the same time, all winter long, those roots are growing, those roots are expanding and they're storing water and nutrients to prepare for the next growth cycle. The tree isn't failing. It's just shifting its priorities to protect the tree and allow for more growth. And I really want to offer you that thought to let yourself be a living, breathing, growing human being that needs to shift its priorities so that it can protect itself, so that it can regenerate, so that you can put your energy towards different priorities.

And none of that means you're failing. It means you're human and you aren't supposed to be doing all the things all the time at the highest level that you've ever done them. That's not what it means to be alive. And most of the areas of your life are in a cycle. The reframe that I want to give you is that you were never intended to reach the finish line on any of these things. You were never intended to do all of the things all perfectly, all the time.

You are a living creature. We have rhythms, we have cycles. You have limited time and energy and resources, and your priorities are going to change and cycle through, and that never means you're failing. It means you are a living human being who has different priorities in different seasons. When you can really embrace that, you can stop making yourself wrong. When you let things go for a time and then you decide it's time to pick it back up. Okay. The last story of failure that my brain has been giving me recently is in my business, and I recently came to the realization in my business that I just wasn't as happy as I have been.

And my business has really grown and evolved and changed. And what I noticed is that as I have grown, I've been doing more of the parts of my business that I don't really like doing and less of the parts that I really do enjoy, namely coaching. So over time, as I decided to grow my business and scale it and expand it, it meant that I spent less time during my day actually coaching people and more time kind of marketing and strategizing and advertising. And the whole reason I got into my business was because of coaching, because I loved using my skills and talents and abilities in in that setting. It was so fulfilling to me. And lately, as I've just like looked at my life and, you know, last week I kind of talked about like really examining, am I doing what I want? I just felt like in my business, I really wasn't. And I was just like I had removed in many ways the hours I spent coaching and traded those hours for hours marketing.

And I was not really enjoying it. And I could see what I really wanted to do was go back and focus on one on one coaching to work with my clients one on one and have those deep, intimate, focused conversations about them and their life. And I didn't want to have the biggest coaching business in the industry. I wanted to have my coaching business with my clients. But I really struggled with that because it felt like making this change would be a failure. I felt like changing my mind and, you know, pivoting my business and moving my coaching club back to exclusively one on one coaching would be some kind of failure that somehow I would be letting other people down, the other people would be judging me, that would be letting myself down, that I'd be giving up on my business plan and my goals that I had set at the beginning of the year and that I had done all this work only to have failed.

And I really wrestled with that. I was like, I don't want to let it go. I don't want to fail at this thing. And at the same time, really not enjoying what I was doing in my business, spending all this time in in marketing and advertising and all this stuff and wanting to make a change and my brain like preventing me from doing what I wanted because it told me I had failed. And as I was kind of wrestling with this, I came across this poem by Jack Gilbert. And like, I'll just I'll just be honest with you. Like, sometimes I wish this podcast was just a poetry podcast. Like if I just had like a hobby podcast, it would just be all poetry. I would just come down here every week and I would just like read you a poem, right? And that would be enough. We could just sit with the words and it would mean something different to every one of us and it would just be beautiful. And those thoughts would be enough, right?

But anyway, so I found this poem again by Jack Gilbert, and it's called Failing and Flying. And it's long. I'm not going to read the whole thing. But he starts the poem by saying, Everyone forgets that Icarus also flew. It's the same when love comes to an end or the marriage fails and people say they knew it was a mistake, that everybody said it would never work, that she was old enough to know better. Like, I'm just going to stop right there. Like, I just love that, right? Like this idea that we should know better and he's talking about marriage. But I think this applies to whatever it is that we've changed our mind about. We pursue goals sometimes and then find out this isn't what I want, this is what I like. This isn't like I no longer want this thing.

And then we tell ourselves, well, you can't quit now. You should have known that you wouldn't like it before you started it. Now you can't now you can't change your mind, right? Like that one line where he writes She was old enough to know better. Like that is what we say to ourselves. We should have known better. I should have known. But how? Like, why should I have known better? How can we know unless we try? And when we change our mind and when we want to change the way that we're living our life? Our brain says, well, that that change is a failure. But at the end of the poem, Jack Gilbert writes this beautiful line where he says, I believe Icarus was not failing as he fell. But just coming to the end of his triumph. Oh, my gosh. I love that line. That line is the one that came to my mind and helped me reframe this. This thing my brain said was a failure. Like, it's not a failure at all, but it's just me changing my mind and coming to the end of my triumph. Like it took so much courage and bravery to try doing this group program and to try the coaching club like in that group format like that took so much bravery. And just because I changed my mind doesn't mean that it wasn't a triumph. Like everything that you want to do in your life, Like, notice how triumphant it is that you are brave enough to try and don't make yourself wrong for it.

When later you have more information and you decide to change your mind. All of these things are life and the choices that we make. They require courage. We don't know everything going in, and we're not supposed to. We are not supposed to know better. And look at us like we're just courageously trying anyway. And that is the triumph. And I just think it's not okay to make yourself wrong for your triumphs. You weren't supposed to know.

And you can stop making yourself wrong for it. That is the reframe that I want to give you. When you change your mind and you decide to make a different decision and you decide you want something else, it is not a failure. It is just the end of that particular triumph. And reframing it as the end of a triumph will let you be brave enough to move forward and re-establish that trust with yourself as you attempt to fly again. To take off again. Like instead of labeling it as a failure, which effectively erodes your trust with yourself, it's like, Well, I can't count on myself to make good decisions and I'm scared to make the next one because what if I get that one wrong too? And it just makes us really distrustful of ourselves? You got to reframe that as a triumph so you can reestablish that trust and move forward and and try to fly again. Okay, my friends, that's what I have for you today. I hope it helps. Remember, you aren't failing. You are learning. You aren't failing. You are a living human being who is always in process and not at a finish line. And you are not failing. You are coming to the end of your triumph. And that, my friends, is 100% awesome. I love you for listening and I'll see you next week.

Thanks so much for joining me on the podcast today. If you want to take the things I've talked about and apply them in your life so that you can love your Earth life experience, sign up for a free coaching session at This is where the real magic happens and your life starts to change forever. As your coach, I'll show you that the way things are is not the way things have to stay. And that, my friends, is 100% awesome.

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