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You Were Made for More

Nov 15, 2020

You were made for more.

You want to be happy...but you just can't figure out why you're not.
You know all the things you "should" be doing...but you still aren't doing them.
You want to use the life that God has given you to become better and follow Him...but you constantly feel like you disappoint Him.
You want to love like Christ taught...but you can't figure out how to do that in real life with real people.
You want to reach your dreams and do amazing things...but you're barely surviving just doing the minimum.

You were made for more.

For more than just settling.
For more than just getting by.
For more than a life full of shame and guilt and worry.
For more than strained, painful relationships.
For more than just going through the motions and telling yourself you can't have what you want. 

You were made for more.

Make the most of your time on earth and get what you came for.  Your time here is limited but your capacity is not.  And the only thing between you and the life you want is the way you are thinking.  I can help you change that.

I designed the Made for More group coaching program to give you all the tools to create the life you want.  Love more.  Accomplish more.  And do it with less effort and willpower.  The next 6 months will change your life for good.  Applications open on Monday morning at 9 am EST and spots are limited. Click here for all the program details.



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